Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Friday, September 22, 2006


No. This is not a new episode of loveless whatsoever. XD
Seriously, I am b-r-o-k-e... >.<
My entire savings of $40+ has been demoted to a negative. -.-
I owe Hazel like... 40c? And I owe Ying Ting $3?
((Actually, I coulda sworn it was $2+ but bah, better be safe then sorry.))

So today, went around Paya Lebar searching for mary janes for Hazel.
Result: -NIL-
Liek wth? Her feet aren't as humongous as mine... -.-
It should be made illegal to be this much effort to find shoes. -.-

So we took the 67 bus back to CCK.
Somehow, we started talking about the times when we were babies. XD
Halfway into our conversation, I noticed she was dozing off.
So I leaned my head on the back of the seat.
Apparently, when Hazey woke up, I was asleep by then. XD
So we were both quite up when we were reaching my house.
She went on back to school for the mooncake festival thingy.
I went home.
And angst.
About my lack of money.

... Yes, Higurashi did distracted me from my cash crisis...
But only for a moment. -.-

Ooooh... *leans out window*
Someone fighting... Shouting in Malay...
... Okay, not really as fun as Higurashi. As if anyone will kena chopped by a machete. XD

Yay~ Machete! Speaking of that, Algy helped me carved one out of styrofoam! <333
I'll have to get those black colored paper of the shiny variety! And all is done! ^0^
... Okaaaay... So I have NO CASH AT ALL to get the paper... *angst*

And fasting starts in a few days.
So this means no pocket money. Except for to top up ez-link card.
And even if I wanted to save, that would mean walking.
While fasting. Hungry. Thirsty.

*takes a kitchen knife and repeatedly bashes head on it*
*drops dead*

8:58 PM

Monday, September 18, 2006


Drats, forgot to blog about today's Higher Malay Paper. Oyashiro-sama possessed me into writing about Higurashi.XD

Nevermind. Nothing much to talk about besides me flunking the paper, me wishing I had bought ice-cream to eat on the bus like Norris and me screwing up about a thousand (Nah, just 4 XD) all my meet ups. Boo hoo.

8:08 PM

Sunday, September 17, 2006


I need more slaves volunteers to cosplay Higurashi! Let's have a whole team, people! >D

The characters are below... From left to right is...

(Keiichi, Shion, Mion, Rena, Satoko, Rika)

Aren't they cute?! Don't you wanna join me? Come come! XD

Just for your information, I'll be doing Rena. In the outfit below...

I even got the hat halfway done! Anyone wants to help me with the machete? <3

Oright, so what's Higurashi? It's this totally awesome anime with horror, slight supernatural and slight humor.

... So it's mostly horror... XD

The summary is below:

'Higurashi no Naku Koro ni' takes place during June 1983, at a fictional rural village called Hinamizawa (based on the village of Shirakawa, Gifu, a World Heritage Site). The main character, Keiichi Maebara, moves to Hinamizawa and befriends his classmates Rena Ryugū, Mion Sonozaki, Rika Furude, and Satoko Houjou. Keiichi joins their after-school club activities, consisting mostly of card and board games. Hinamizawa appears to be a normal, peaceful village to Keiichi. However, the tranquility abruptly ends after the annual Watanagashi Festival, a local festivity to commemorate and give thanks to the local god, Oyashiro-sama. Keiichi learns that for the past four years, one person has been murdered and another has gone missing, never to be seen again, on the day of the Watanagashi Festival. Keiichi himself soon becomes implicated into the strange events surrounding the Watanagashi Festival and Oyashiro-sama. As the series unfolds, numerous questions are encountered.

So how far does the horror extend to? Well, as they say, a picture says a thousand words so...

Are you spooked yet? XD

Still, I wish someone would watch the whole series so I could discuss with that person about the possibilities of so-and-so being the murderer and who should get soooo killed. Hell, we can even change the characters to people in our school! XD

So anyone joining? =D

1:57 PM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Science Centre Love! <3

Note of caution: This is a mega super hyper ultra loooooooooooong post! If you can't stand long posts, you might as well skip this one. Though I assure you, you might find it amusing if you continue to read. It's your pick! ^^

As you all may have known (or maybe not? XD), I have been currently doing a Community Involvement Programme at the Singapore Science Centre for the past two days. I still have another day to spent there though. Damn.

I intended to finish off these three days before blogging about it but I'm caving in. The temptation was irresistable yesterday and it's grown bigger. Before I explode, might as well blog about it now! XD

Day 1

Well, I acted pretty childish in front of the other volunteers. Like normal. Had to say I was one of the most carefree ones there. Was thinking, "Gee, it's only three days. I've done this before but might as well enjoy it. Time will pass by faster."

However, that day, it was anything but like always. Two guys STALKED us.

...To put it in a nice way, they loiter around our cart, hogged our games and slapped my nose. Well, one of them did while the other was more polite and smart. I slapped his nose back. XD

But their stalking turned out worthwile in the end. XD

They took a puzzle from our cart and sat quite a distance away while trying to fix it. By this, I'm refering to the smart one. The other guy was like sprawling his legs on the floor in this sorta seductive rude manner. The whole picture got me and Hazey's mine running wild and we secretly snapped a picture of them. On my phone. Yes, that means I won't be able to put it up for quite sometime (I don't have my phone's wire and it has no bluetooth. Boo hoo hoo.).

It's like this scenario is running through our head...

Rude guy: I have this awful itch on my upper thigh... Can you take a look?
Teh Smart: *is looing down at the puzzle which is covered by his legs but we can pretend he's looking down coz he's shy*Umm... But but...

...*coughs* Let's move on to the second day! Which is today! XD

Day 2

I got grouped with Nadi and Fiona and we were in charge of Puzzle Cart A! We had to promote toys that the Science Centre was selling by teaching people how to play them! Sounds like fun? NAAAH...

But anyways, we saw this group of Japanese school students. They had brown checkered skirts and white sleeveless shirts. Sorta cute if I do say so myself. =) The guys were wearing white shirt and long pants. Haha, like Nias with pimply faces! Minus their pimples though, and they're quite the bishies! Hmm hmm hmm~ <3.

I didn't manage to talk to them coz I was afraid my Japanese was ditch-standard but I finally mustered up the courage when Nadi persuaded me too.

Me: Ano! Irrashaimase! (Em...! Welcome!)
Group of Girls: *stop in surprise* Wooah! *glee* Haii! Haii! *gather around our cart*
Me: Eto... *slightly nervous that everyone was staring at her* Wa-watashi wa namae wa Hazrina desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu. *slight bow* (My name is Hazrina. I hope we get along.)
GOG: Wah! *laugh* Sugoi! *clap* Hai! Yoroshiku! (Wah! Amazing! Yes! Let's get along!)

At this time, I was pretty embarrased. I felt like an exhibit myself! And I hid behind Nadi. This resulted in them going...

GOG: *gush* Ahhh! Kawaii!! *squeal* (Ahhh! So cute!)
Me: *VERY embarrased*
Nadi: *to me* Ask them 'How are you?'!
Me: Em... Genki desuka? (literally translated: Are you well/energetic?)
GOG: Haii! Genki! Genki! *obviously enjoying themselves from their gushing & laughing*
Nadi: *to me* Ask for their school?
Me: Like WTH I dunno how to ah just gonna try... *face them* Eto... Anta gakuen namae nanda? (What is your school's name? + In a very crappy sentence structure I bet+ )
GOG: *looks at each other* Gakuen na? Gakuen? *turn to me* Ryogaki! Ryogaki Gakuen!
Me: *very uncertain* R-ryo-gaki?
GOG: *nodding encouragingly* Haii! Sou sou! (Yes! Right! Right!)

At this point of time, I ran out of things to say but they were squeeing over my awful abuse of their native language for quite some time. Then apparently, they needed to go,

GOG: Sayonara! Mata! ( +different forms of 'goodbye'+ )
Me: Mata ashita... *waves uncertainly while smiling* (See you tomorrow + Which is such a dumb farewell!! *bashes head on wall*)
GOG: *surprised* Ooh! Mata ashita! *smile smile*
Me: Ja ne! (Goodbye!)

And they wave while they headed for the exit, laughing and smiling. I was, like, breathing a sigh of relief. Conversing has never been so difficult and tiring...

And there was like so many mistakes with my Japanese! 'Irrashaimase' does mean 'welcome' but it's used mostly to welcome others into a shop! I should have used 'Youkosou'! And 'ja ne' denotes familiarity between friends! I should have been much more formal with them! *angst angst* I'm a failure..

....Tanoshi katta ne? (It was fun though?) XD

Makes you wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow eh? Stay tuned! ^0^

6:46 PM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Love of my Life

That's right folks. On the right. I mean, if you were a Mello fan (from Death Note), won't you be fangirling over him?!

...Yes, that cosplayer is a GUY.

And here I was with a league of fangirls willing to change gender preferences due to a lack of good-looking male character replicas (AKA 'cosplayers').

This has robbed me off any confidence to try and cosplay Mello. I'd DESTROY his fragile smexiness beauty. *angst*

9:35 PM

So Say We All

I am a fangirl-of-all-trades. (Select option: Drool, Gush, Draw yaoi/yuri, etc.)
I like to laugh but will not smile for Singapore.
I r teh pwner n c@n pwn joo @$$ w/ m@h l33t speek. (Or so I aim to achieve.)
I have the stomach capacity of a cow, yet I'd starve to save money.
I believe Kurosaki Ichigo also smile is very good liao.
I very the pro of speaking the Singleesh!

I am a Singaporean.
So say we all.



I'm on crack. XD Nah, just thought first post should be special! A get-to-know-me post! ... So did it help? XD

6:41 PM

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