Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


...angsty! That was what the last post was like!
And that's a big no-no! Uh huh!
Cheery Kisakisa is here, minna-san!
Hugs for everyone! <333

Andand! I wanna introduce to you all! To... *drumrolls* Ja-PAN! XD
*crickets chirp*
Fine fine... *sighs* Didn't think that anyone would get it anyways...

For you see! In Jap!
'Pan' (pronounced as 'pun') = Bread
So Ja-pan! Is Japanese bread made by the Japanese for the Japanese! XD
Why the sudden bread talk? XD *gets shot*

Fine fine.. no more puns... *coughs*

Yakitate!! Japan (aka Freshly baked!! Japan) is an anime about Azuma Kazuma, an energetic and dense young man, who was introduced to the art of bread making when he was six. He decides to take the path of bread-making and become a baker right after graduating from middle school. Through his travels, he encounters many rivals and found work at the branch store of the most famous bread maker brand, the Pantasia.

Now this might seem lame (I'm ashamed to thought so too at first) but! It's really great packed with humour! A must-try! <3

PS That aside, can you believe that pink-haired guy there is a REAL GUY?? As in, he's a he! I know, totally unimaginable! O.O

And FURTHURMORE! What the hell is Kuroyanagi! Doing with Meister Kirisaki! *gasp gasp* Is this like fangirl bait??? Preposterous!
Did they actually think such indecency will raise the ratings of their show??

I, as an audience, AGREE! *thumbs up*

4:37 PM

Saturday, November 11, 2006

You are all really mean people.
The worst.

It's been days yet I still feel like shit.
That date was 9/11. 11/9. Hee.
What a symbolic date eh?
Haha, my attempts
at making the situation feel
light and humourous
seems so transparent to me.
Or is it only me? Are people really that thick,
thinking I'm okay with everything?
Yea, I might say I'm fine. You trust me?
That's nice. Trust is common between friends, no?

Friends care, no? Or am I wrong?
I often feel like I'm the least cared.
Oh yea, Hazrina? She's great for comic relief.
For humor. Is that all I'm ever good at?
Seems so.

What possessed me
to sit by the window?
The air-con was overhead.
My meal faced the risk of turning cold.
Unappetizing. And I was quite
bloody famished so the thought irked me so.
I'll be frank
- I had a hunch that I would see you all.
I didn't want to. It would hurt, I know.
But with a sort of sick perversion,
I sat there.
I could move away.
I didn't.

It hurt when I saw you all.
Brother noticed the pause
but he remained silent.
More like he continued
to rattle on about how
fried rice should
be made the staple food in Singapore.
Jokes? Em. Yes.
I could recognize the attempt.
I made some myself
to disarm dangerous moments.
I smiled. Nodded.
But my eyes were transfixed.
On you. All of you.
Yes, you all looked
like you were having fun?
I thought my eyes deceived me
but I could swear on my life
(pathetic, worthless thing it may be)
that that very group of girls were you all.

I half wished my eyes were wrong.
That my lenses were maybe too old for me.
Hee hee. Illogical, no?
But wishes usually are.
You lot trooped into the lrt.
Stood by the pole.
The one on the left, near the lift.
Amazing how I could remember.

I also remembered wishing.
Hoping. Willing. Wanting. NEEDING.
Something awful to happen.
A mishap of sorts in their merry outing.
Just so I could say...

"Glad I didn't go!"

Horrid, aren't I?
The worst kind of the outcast.
I'm no better
than those I deemed worst.
Wishing ill on others
to console oneself.
I make myself ill.
In fact, my chest feels rather tight.
As if an invisible hand is clutching my chest.

Breathe in. Out. Breathe in. Out.
Much better.

I felt bad. Really bad.
Like I was a very naughty girl.
I'm naughty now in fact.
Typing my innermost thoughts here.
Being brave here. As if it would help.
It wouldn't. I know.
They won't come here.
First, they wouldn't know how to.
Next. They wouldn't care.
It is my sanctuary. And my prison.

Do you all know
what a joker's nightmare is?
To have his audience not laugh.
So the joker jokes. It is what he is suppose to do.
He even cracks jokes at the cost of himself.
After all, what worth is a joker
who cannot make others laugh?

So laugh everyone! Rejoice!
Be merry!
Smile! Show those teeth!
Bare them with pride!
That's right... Smile! Grin! Smirk!
It's all the same!
Do it with good cheer now...
How about you add a dash of malice?


11:34 PM

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Liek isnt dis such teh smexz ohmg lolololz frothies squees!

... Okay that was fangirl talk. But STILL! COSMODE IS LIKE SO TOO MUCH LOVE. PERIOD.

The price - not something I'm too overly crazy about. It's a whooping $18. Minus shipping. And Kino might not have it too. *pulls long face* But I want.. NO I NEED IT... *fangirls*

Emm... Okay this post was not meant to be meaningful so skip it if you were expecting too much. Or maybe don't. XD

As you might have known, Darrusalam Mosque had a programme to bring orphans from Aceh over to Singapore for a period of time. These orphans are, as you might have guessed, victims of the tsunami.

My father registered for this programme. And I got myself a sister. For a week. =D

However, a week has passed and we had just accompanied her back to the mosque a few hours ago. So I'm feeling sorta blue right now.

Along with this post, is a picture of us on the first day of Hari Raya. She's the one in white and light brown scarf! I'm the one in... Wait, are you saying you can't recognize me or something? *long stare*

Anyways the most memorable parts of her stay with us was...

When we went ice-skating with Hazel
- I beat Clare's record of 5 falls! (HAH! EIGHT YA HEAR ME??)
- I bought a pink wig <333
- My handphone got stolen. Don't. Ask. *growls*

When we went to the zoo
- A tiger was on the loose XD No, no joke. We had to cut our sight-seeing short and didn't get to see the camels and tigers. D=
-I saw a giraffe pissed! Andand a goat too! XD

Emm.. Yea. You might think I'm weird but those were the only moments I coulda remember... Oh but since today was her last day here (on Singapore, I mean XD) my dad brought her and the whole family to Orchard! Bugis! And the Botanical Gardens! (OMG IT WAS TOO PRETTY PHOTOSHOOT GUEN! =DDD)

Here's hoping we meet again! =D

Last note - is anybody interested in buying thigh length stockings? It's $12 each. In comes in
black , white, dark blue and army green! The materials are either cotton or translucent(opaque). I'm ordering a black pair for myself so was wondering if anyone wanted them too? Leave a message by the tagboard ya? =D

There are also coloured stripes thigh length stockings! $12 each too. Colours are in white,black/ red,blue/ black,green/ black,yellow/ black,purple. Material is in cotton only. Like I said, tag if interested! =D

PS. Hazel, I'm buying this for Rena and Nel. You might wanna get one for Claire? =)

And I hereby end my rantage. XD

11:36 PM

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