Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Monday, February 19, 2007


Okay, this word made me think of Mao when he had the chainsaw. XD
But this post isn't about making everyone compact by chopping them into pieces.
It's more like summarizing past events into one post! ^^
So here goes!

18 February

Chinese New Year today!
Uh, no red packets for me. Unyuuuuu~ T^T
*goes angst in a corner*

Spent the whole day watching Rozen Maiden.
OMIGOSH I never had a fave character amongst all the dolls but I change my mind now, man...
Suigintou and Hina Ichigo FTW!!! XD
And liek wth, my cousin spotted immediately that I had been crying and I admitted I cried at ep10. Yes, I'm a big softie inside. >.>

And here's hoping to Geelyn getting better! >.<
Though you sorta exaggerated it by saying you had a close brush with death. Made me worry a bit there. >.>
It made me remember the time I almost got run down by a truck. *shivers* -___-||
I was quiet the whole day, I remembered. *laughs* XD

WAKAKA. Today. I saw the kitty cat. <3
The one who I always greet in the morning and he (I had been referring to it as 'she' all this time... *pengs*) would mew back without fail. <3
I was going home from my aunt's and I saw it playing at the potted plants in my corridor.
So I greeted it. And it mewed back. OMIGOSH SO CUTE. OMOCHI KAERII!!! <333
But I can't, really, coz he would eat up Kiki in a split second. ^^;
So I was walking to my gate. And it like, crossed my path and laid down there.
It was turning left and right and I tickled his chin and stroke his belly. <3
And then I tried to walk over it. I almost fell as it went ahead of me and start rubbing itself all over my skirt and mary janes. XD
So I went down to my void deck and it followed me. I played with it a bit and then ran straight back home before it noticed me gone.
Auuu~ I wish I can bring it home~ T^T

Yes, this was love at first sight. XD

16 February

But no biggie, other schools are the same too. XD
Although the school kept stressing on our half day owing to the good results of our students
(which we all know is a load of plain BS).

We went to get contacts! =D
I owe Sarah $18 now. >.> Will work hard to save up and repay her!
And it feels MIRACULOUS to see without that frame of metal and glass on the bridge of my nose. <3

And then went to Sumairu!
Hazel got a Kera top. Liek omfg teh awesome. Chains FTW.

Uh, as per normal, returned late and was exhausted for religious class.
I SLEPT IN CLASS. *smacks forehead* Way to go, me. -__-||
Because I couldn't attend the prayers that were always held halfway through the lesson, I had a nap. When I woke up, they were two chapters ahead and my forehead had a mark. -_____-||

14 February

Valentines day! Unyuuuu! <3
No chocolates from guys sadly. XD Tho I received many from close friends! Hugs to you all! <333
Mello Me is uber happy! =D

And I secretly suspects that my mother is disappointed that I didn't get any chocs from a guy. XD She was like "Oooh.. That's quite a lot of chocs... Any from a guy?" And I was like "They're from Hazel, Herianti, Atiqah, Ezzati, Wahidah, etc etc." And she was like "Oh..."

Relax mom. I may act all les-sy but I'm not. I'm asexual really. XD

11th February

My birthday unyu!
Everyone was so dear to me~ =D
Prezzies I got:
- Rozen Maiden Erinnerung from Sarah
- A Death Note artbook from Janice, Clare, Xiying & Weiling
- Newtype Feb 07 from Hazel
- A box of Ferrero Rocher from Ezzati and Atiqah
- A birthday cake from Kak Juliana
*Eto... I can only remember these few so if I missed out your gift, please do inform me! >.<

My father even cooked for the day and he rarely does that unless it's a special event or something. Gosh, I have to learn from him someday. XD


Eto~ That's all for today!
I've been lazy these days but I'll try to keep this blog alive. XD
Glad you all got a new post? =D

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3:12 PM

Thursday, February 01, 2007



.... Okay. This was actually supposed to be a totally sensible post until I briefly skimmed through ep15 of DN. Matsuda, you keel me. He looked so upset and heart-broken and sounded so girly that I want to give him a big hug. *HUG*

L, you heartless bastard. How could L be so mean to him!!! Can't you see him clutching his abused heart??? No really, his hand isn't the one that's hurting. *nods nods*

Okay anyways. I am on teh crack. Proof is, I had a whiteboard battle with Janice. (XD)

What, you may ask, is a whiteboard battle? Obviously, it involves a whiteboard. (XD) It can be played by 2 people. Each individual is given a marker and 10 health bars, along with 10 seconds to draw an attack. Judge/s shall then compare between the two and decide which is the winner base on originality, creativity and crack. The winner shall deal damage to the loser, by taking away one life bar. The player with all the life bar gone loses.

Some of my Crack Original Attacks:
- Panty Flash
- Hairy Camouflage Tank
- Soccer Strike

My first battle was against Janice and it was a draw coz Weiling (judge) had to go for CO. We were looking around for another judge and well, a guy classmate of ours came along with two of his friends so... *grins*

This time, we fought against Chiam Chiam Bear! Objective was who could damage it more! Plus points if you deal the last blow! (XD) Said bear is what our EMaths teacher likes to draw in the middle of lessons! I'd never forget how I first saw it... We were doing a test when he came in the class and drew it in a corner. Needless to say, we all stopped writing and laughed. (XD)

I won this fight coz my attacks were pervier and the guys LOVE it.

And then I went back home. Hadn't expect to stay so late. To think I had planned to go home early to do AMaths. (>.>;)

I even bought a marker for tomorrow's battle. *wide grin*

And when I went back home, I was so engrossed in chewing my cookies that I almost banged into someone. Luckily (or not), I managed to step aside and muttered a sorry.

BLEDDY HELL LAH. It was TSTWM. I should have just banged into him. HARD. *regrets*

Woah this post is rather long. I shall end it with my sadistic version of a fairytale!

*coughs* I spent today drawing morbid (is that the word?) endings for different fairytales in my sketchbook. Let's have Cinderella! (=D)

Cinderella tried so hard to remove her slipper but it just won't budge! She pulled, and pulled, and pulled so hard that her whole feet came off! The blood spilled and splattered as she limped away.

"Get me the girl who is missing her feet!" ordered the prince.

They found her but it was too late.

She was dead from blood loss. Her eyes stared blankly into space.



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