Some shameless camwhorage nice photos:
... I know you all want me to hate him and to keep away from him. But... he's not like what you guys think. He's only human, with faults and weaknesses. I vaguely understand what he's going through now because I've been through something similar. So I want to there for him, to be of any use, to make things better... somehow. On the other hand, I don't want to hurt the other party which I am pretty sure I am already doing. Oh, why must I be made to choose?
My indecisiveness really takes the cake. :/
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Me in Sec3! Omg look at the shitty stringed hair. So embarrassing... And my house shirt looked like it was gonna eat me up. And the weird smile auuugh. ... Although like real liddat my smile has gotten better. OTL
...Ignore the Ranka pose. This was taken sometime in March this year if I recall correctly. It was taken after our collection of O level results in the Lot 1 Mac. Better glasses now. And less shittier hair. Major improvement from earlier days, though not that apparent.
This was taken on the day of the Transformers movie outing. Was all dressed up prettily in a... dress. And it was pink. Wth haha. Also, I got myself a fringe on this very day. Any difference?
Cosfest Day 1! I cosplayed as Leon Magnus (right). I have no idea why people kept guessing that Shang (left) was me instead. OTL This was taken 2 days ago. People have been telling me I look unrecognisable. They go like "Who are you?" and I went like "J-japan. We've met.." and they go all O__O. NIIIICE.
Taken yesterday after me and mom got back from a Malay wedding. Was supposed to go for cosfest day 2 but I decided against it and accompanied mom instead. Mommy looks so tired; she's been through a lot. ): But she cheered up looking at our picture. So yeah. (:
Me. Today. Told you I look funny. Do I look so scary. OTL I d-don't intend to glare at people. It can't be helped that I have garang eyes okay. D:
So... how much have I changed? Any opinions? (:
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