Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mood: Lonely Lonely
Listening to: When It Rains - Paramore

Past few days, blogger was pretty screwed up. The text box was shifted and several keys were missing. A random check shows that it's okay now though. (:

A lot of things have happened this past few days. So one condensed post coming up!


So like Dawn’s younger sister has H1N1. So she got quarantined. And won't be coming to school till this Thursday. Which explains my mood now. ... Damn, I hate being alone. ):

Massive emo loner issues aside, my lfe has been thrown into a spiral of chaos again. Me and Dawn went to work on a project dued a week from now and we forgot all about the project dued last week. So that makes it 3 projects undone – CNP, CITS and PAS. Funny how group projects suddenly become pair work. To top it all off, I’m supposed to hand in my individual assignment last Thursday but since I MC-ed from school, that’s 5% gone. Oh, did I mentioned I didn't follow the given format? :)


However, not everything in school has been sucky. Last week, our school celebrated Racial Harmony Day. Everyone was dressed up so prettily~! Me included! 8D

Some shameless camwhorage nice photos:

And that marked the end of Cultural Cosplay Day. XD

... I seem to be showing my teeth in smiles a lot. >__>


... The only thing worth my time mentioning about work is just that my payday is tomorrow. ... And 5/6 of it is going into my PDA. OTL

Screwed up. Enough said really. I'm gonna start packing my clothes and neccessities in a bag, just for precaution's sake.

.::~Social life~::.

Is a complete mess? Aha... I... haven't really been addressing certain problems. It feels like I'm running away from things now. But the truth is that I have no idea what to do or feel now. Friends are being involved because of my issues. And it sucks because I don't want to burden them.

... I know you all want me to hate him and to keep away from him. But... he's not like what you guys think. He's only human, with faults and weaknesses. I vaguely understand what he's going through now because I've been through something similar. So I want to there for him, to be of any use, to make things better... somehow. On the other hand, I don't want to hurt the other party which I am pretty sure I am already doing. Oh, why must I be made to choose?

My indecisiveness really takes the cake. :/

12:07 PM

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mood: Okay Okay
Listening to: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

It's amazing what a long nap after a good cry can do. That, and a whole lot of Tim Tams, Kit Kats and Toblerone. (:

Warning: Insane amounts of camwhorage. And crack. Courtesy of Mitchy.

So like, you have one bored Haz...




So yesterday morning, Hazey bb went back to Australia. I set off for Changi Airport waaay early in the morning. And gosh, it was my first time walking around there. It was so.. relaxing. And kinda romantic, walking through the large halls with calming violin music playing in the background. I kinda like the whole place. (:

So we had a final breakfast together, the whole Famiglia. And we took piiiictures!

We're really nice and normal people! :D

Except for the part where we're not. ;D

And it will be till the end of the year before we can meet again. We're gonna miss you Hazel. The Famiglia waits for you. (:

We'll be waiting for your return, dear. (:

After that, I went to watch OTOT (Own Time Own Target) with Hannah and a few other astro members at Bugis. What can I say except... TWO THUMBS UP? Utter fun and laughs I tell you. The first part I was busy fangirling Leeroy. Second part was equally enjoyable because fasdfadgas MUSICAL. I love those kinda plays with the characters randomly breaking into songs (302! XD) And according to Hannah, I gave out this half horrified-delighted gasp when Leeroy first went “FUCK YOU LAH.”. Yea, I said 'first' – only god knows how many times he uttered vulgarities lol.

Also I caved in and blew $5 on gaming Silent Hill at Bugis Junction afterwards. OTL I need an arcade partner now that Hazel's left me... *eyes yooouuu. YES you, fellow reader. 8D *

Also, yesterday...


I am still confused.

8:43 PM

Mood: Crushed Upset
Listening to: Tak Bisakah - Peter Pan

Hey guys! Let's play this game! There's gonna be 10 messages that I'm gonna come up with. And some of them are gonna be directed to some people. The fun part is that they're not specified so you guys can guess which message applies to you! You might just find more than one directed at you! : D

1) I'm sorry for making fun of you. It wasn't nice. But damn hell, it was funny.
2) I've always wondered if you knew how weird you are.
3) I'm really sorry you're gonna die soon and I'm even more sorry that I don't feel as sorry as I should be.
4) You are one of the few people out there who scares me. For serious.
5) I hate you.
6) I like you.
7) I miss you everyday.
8) I wish you were here.
9) Disgusting. One word is enough.
10) I don't really know what to say to you.

I feel like crying.

4:29 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mood: Blank Blank
Listening to: The Curse of Curves - Cute is What We Aim for

I finally got it back and it broke only moments later.
What an omen.

11:21 PM

Mood: Blah Blah
Listening to: New Divide - Linkin Park



...Oh Mitchy I love you so. ^3^

Anyways, yeah brought Mitchy to school. Dawn has been enjoying it very much. Despite saying that it sucks and is so "china". ... And she now calls it a bitch.

That aside, I found out that I don't have to hand in majority of my work this week but next week instead. So the procrastinator in me is rejoicing. 8D Plus, I'm planning to hang out with the Famiglia tomorrow. It'll be the last time we get to hang out with Hazel so I'm planning to enjoy her company as much as possible. Oh BB, you're not even gone and I miss you already. D':

That aside, I think I should lessen on the eyeliner. I just realised that the whole long haired, black-rimmed eyes look coupled with my dark clothes (work clothes but still...) screams "OMG I'M SO EMOGOTH RAAAAWR BOO HOOO.". Not really a good thing for my image. But I love staring at people and sensing their discomfort. I am a bitch really. Like laptop, like owner.

Mom and dad are still fighting. It makes me feel very uncomfortable honestly. Especially since mom has been confiding in me about things and I can't believe I have been so blind as to the status of our household. I mean, I know we're not some ideal, happy family but to actually stop and think that my family is breaking up is very... disturbing.

.... I musn't dwell on such things. Oh well, I'm going to work after this. And Mitchy is kinda tired- I mean, low on battery. So I'll just go and stone for the next half hour before my Psychology class. That's something to look forward to. (:

4:17 PM

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mood: Dorky Dorky
Listening to: Newport Living - Cute is What We Aim for

Today Hazey crashed my poly! She had to attend one of the most boring lessons, FON, but still, she survived through it. And god, we laughed a lot. It felt like the good old days, taking the bus to school together and all. (:

And after that, we went to Bugis to spam House of the Dead 4. WITH TEN BUCKS, WE GOT THROUGH TILL STAGE 5. The boss at stage 3 totally kick our ass though. Stupid chainsaw bastard. D: We were so ready to die at stage 4 coz we only had one credit left each but we managed to survive! Full of hope and renewed determination, we continued... only to die shortly afterwards. Fate, why so bitch? D: Also, what's with people liking to crowd around shooters? You don't see them around racers. XD

We then went to Kino and shit happened. My right eye started hurting and watering. THEN MY CONTACTS DROPPED OUT. OTL I ended up using a S&W dressing to cover my eye. At all 3 stalls where we patronised, the cashiers kept asking me if i was okay and to get well soon. Funniest was at Kino itself when I jokingy went "OOPS I CANNOT SEE SO I KEY IN WRONG PIN OKAY HURHUR.". It made the cashier laugh. XD

And we met Bela and a few other members at Mac! Ended up hanging out with them a little. Spent most of the time recounting old events with Hazel and laughing our butts off. I ended up buying some funny post-its and we went home after that.


... Okay nevermind, inside joke. XD

Also, Hazey took a pic of me with my eye covered (I was unprepared so my face was damn wtf can haha) and we compared it to other pictures of myself. God. I change so much. And almost all the time. OTL

Warning: Unglamness and unbelievable transformation in store. Not for the weak-hearted!

Me in Sec3! Omg look at the shitty stringed hair. So embarrassing... And my house shirt looked like it was gonna eat me up. And the weird smile auuugh. ... Although like real liddat my smile has gotten better. OTL

...Ignore the Ranka pose. This was taken sometime in March this year if I recall correctly. It was taken after our collection of O level results in the Lot 1 Mac. Better glasses now. And less shittier hair. Major improvement from earlier days, though not that apparent.

NURSING UNIFORM. *hearts* No fringe, no glasses. Definitely changing here. This was taken approximately 3 weeks ago.

Different like WOAH. Sure or not same person? Amazing what rebonded hair can make you look like. That, and broken glasses contact lens. This was taken by Aishah during the third week of school closure. Which would mean only two weeks ago. Oh my, what a difference from my BP days. o__o

This was taken on the day of the Transformers movie outing. Was all dressed up prettily in a... dress. And it was pink. Wth haha. Also, I got myself a fringe on this very day. Any difference?

Cosfest Day 1! I cosplayed as Leon Magnus (right). I have no idea why people kept guessing that Shang (left) was me instead. OTL This was taken 2 days ago. People have been telling me I look unrecognisable. They go like "Who are you?" and I went like "J-japan. We've met.." and they go all O__O. NIIIICE.

Taken yesterday after me and mom got back from a Malay wedding. Was supposed to go for cosfest day 2 but I decided against it and accompanied mom instead. Mommy looks so tired; she's been through a lot. ): But she cheered up looking at our picture. So yeah. (:

Me. Today. Told you I look funny. Do I look so scary. OTL I d-don't intend to glare at people. It can't be helped that I have garang eyes okay. D:

So... how much have I changed? Any opinions? (:

11:34 PM

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mood: Embarrassed Embarrassed
Listening to: Time - Cute is What We Aim For

Oh god, Haz. Control yourself next time. Emotional outbursts are not cool.


Also, next post will be about cosfest most probably. I'll try to find time to update soon.

Teaser pic:

*still in shock*

11:53 PM

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Mood: Drained Drained
Listening to: Insomnia - Craig David

People, if I don't reply to you on msn late at night, do not take it to heart. It's not that I hate your guts and the thought of replying to you offend my sensibilities (low possibility is low but totally possible). It's more like I've fallen asleep in front of my notebook. I have lost count the times that I just dozed off with my fingers on the keyboard. OTL

COSFEST IS IN TWO DAYS. OH GOD. *is kinda dying*I'm planning not to sleep so I can finish Chaltier. AND my boot covers. AND my sleeves. AND the brooches. Oh god, I am screwed 360 degrees. OTL

Anyways, come on down to Cosfest guys! It's at Downtown East this weekend. If you guys happen to be in the area, do gimme a riiing. You'll get to see me as a guy LOL. FLAT CHEST HOOO!8D Not like there's any difference when it's binded or not. OTL

11:36 PM

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Mood: Jubilant GOOD. (:
Listening to: Ku Katakan Dengan Indah - Peter Pan

OMG can you guys believe it that I fell asleep while blogging yesterday? As quoted by Is, I'm the Sleeping Queen (TM) really. This is the second day in a row I slept with my contacts on. I am so asking for it I tell ya.

And ALSO, I didn't know I had work today. Morning shift somemore wtf. I was rolling about on my brother's couch, just chillax-ing and typing out this post. Then I started wondering should I ask for an off-day. So I smsed my boss 'do you want me to come over today?'. She responded with a call, conveying the message of 'Get-your-ass-to-work-mofo'. Oh this happened at 8.10 and my reporting time was at 9. (:

Crappy starting aside, today was actually a good day. Atiqah dropped by my workplace just to pay a visit and we had lunch together. We had a heart-to-heart talk on life matters and stuff. Damn, we sure can click! She's such a super sweet girl I swear. (:

And then I took my cheque from HQ and met up with Sarah sweetums at Lot 1. Sarah agreed that I looked damn garang goth with my new haircut. Plus the eyeliner and all; it completed the whole image haha. There was this girl at Aries who squeaked when I looked at her for blocking our way. I-I'm not that scary right... OTL

But anyways, I banked in my cheque afterwards, went home and here I am. Blogging. God I love blogging haha. So let me continue regarding yesterday's outing!

So yesterday, I went to work as per normal and got imprisoned like Rapunzel got assigned to cleaning the storeroom. However, I made like Cinderella once the clock struck 2 and ciao-ed. Aishah was such a dear and helped me with my hair and make-up. (:

I had planned to watch a movie with J today. So imagine what happened when I found out there was a cock-up AGAIN at HQ and my pay wasn't in. With less than $10 in my bank account, I was like freaking like RAWR but thank god brother dear was such a dear and wired me $30. It (literally) pays to be nice to your brother by bringing him home fast food almost every night. (:

So where was I...? Oh yeah, movie with J. I invited Hazel along since J said that it'll be merrier with more people. (This makes him sound totally sociable but it's so hard to believe from his deadpanned voice. OTL) So we watched Transformers and despite not watching the first movie, I truly enjoyed it. SO MUCH ACTION. And I swear I didn't cry.

Then we met up with Mirul and we all trooped over to this air-conditioned halker food place thingum and everyone ordered chicken rice wth. Except moi. Who was original and chose noodles. 8D But everyone kept staring at me eating with chopsticks. SORRY I AM MADE OF FAILS OKAI. D: But Hazey more fails; she knocked her head against the sharp corner THRICE. LOL, BB. LOL. ;D

Then yours truly decided we need to game so we went to the arcade at Iluma but there was no HOTD4. So sucky. Thank god we went to Bugis Junction where we found the blessed machine. 8D I was gonna change 10 bucks but Mirul and Hazel held me back. DAMMIT GUYS. I NEED TO SATISFY MAH CRAVINGS. D<

Imagine a prettily-dressed girl shrieking and shooting like huzzah. NIIIICE. But hey, I got till the third stage! 8D

And theeeen we took a neoprint! Oh god, so much fun. It was like eleven bucks but totally worth it. We took whacky poses and decorated the pics with crack. I shall scan it up soon. SOOON.

We then went hoooome. Tired but totally awesome. Also, mommy is suspecting I have a boyfriend now. I shall never forget her foiled attempt at trying to trap me haha. HAZEL IN AUSTRALIA. Wry so cute mommy. Why. 8D


Edit: I got a free lipstick from work today! I has been happied. 8D

8:04 PM

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Mood: Contemplative Contemplative
Listening to: Tak Bisakah - Peter Pan

It's kinda uncomfortable typing with your notebook on your stomach as you lie down flat on your back on your bed. But we lazy prople are very adaptable hurhurhur.

I've realised that I'm blogging less these days. Why? I have a theory - I only blog as an alternative to talking with someone.Nowadays, there's always a pair of listening ears there for me so hence the loss of need for blogging. But once in a while, when I feel like talking about things that no one would understand, I'd come back here.

I've noticed I've actually grown more wary of people nowadays. I always keep asking myself about their motives. It's very disturbing to say the least. I hope it's just a thing-of-the-moment and will pass soon. :/

Okay, sleep time. I got a movie tomorrow~! TRANSFORMERS HELL YEAH.

2:11 AM

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Mood: Indescribable Indescribable
Listening to: Mungkin Nanti - Peter Pan

Obligatory remembrance post. Because I have STM like that. OTL

I'm feeling quite happy and peaceful now. Unless you're reading this. In which I feel nonchalant and like, whatevs.

... Idiot.

And thank you. For everything.

9:51 PM

Friday, July 03, 2009

Mood: Grateful Grateful
Listening: Sayang Sayang - Alif Aziz

I'm the happiest now than I have ever been in a long while.

1:29 AM

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