Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Mood: Sore Sore

I am updating likee I'm on crack. Which may or may not be a good thing. But I digress.

Yesterday, went out with Mirul. After a long time of not seeing each other, we had a lot to talk about but it wasn't about school or such. More like, we were on the topic of guys and girls. Wet talked about the do's and don'ts, what the other gender does that makes us tick, your partner and their exes, so on and so forth.

Let's just say, it's a refreshing change to hear different opinions, especially from a guy. For example:

(I can't remember the exact words but the content is more or less there.)

On the topic of sweet gestures you can do for your partner:

Me: So let's just say it's the guy's birthday then they plan to go to the movies. Promise to meet at 11, somewhere. But girl goes through all the trouble to wake up early, bake a cake and go to guy's house early - say 8am? - to surprise him. As a male yourself, want or not?

Mirul: I'll be all like "Wtf, aren't we meeting at 11? Oh shi- I was still rolling in bed.". It's not that appealing.

Me: But what?? The girl was probably trying to give him a pleasant surprise! D:

On the topic of "You're the only one for m- Oh. She looks hot.":

Me: Why is it that when girls fall in love, they can forget about their earlier crushes but guys with girlfriends still look at other girls and "appreciate" their hot bods?? Unfair much? D<

Mirul: When a guy makes a comment about a girl's body, he's not neccesarily making a comparison between you and her you know? Why the insecurity?

Me: That's not the point~! The point is that you're looking at other women when your girlfriend's right. There. Beside. You. Sure is a nice way to tell her you appreciate her being around. /sarcasm

Mirul: Still, why the insecurity??


Let's just say there's still a lot more but I feel tired of blogging. People are open to debate with me about this topic on msn. (:

2:57 PM

Mood: Lonely Lonely
Listening to: Look What You've Done - Jet

I have two bruises; one on each thigh. And it's funny how they're in a straight line. And my body aches a megaton.The funniest thing is that I have no idea how I got them. Ho hum.

Just spent an hour on my own. God, it was tougher initially; I'm too used to company. But I rather tolerate the hunger (Plus, I have no cash anyways. And I lost my ez-link. OTL) than go have lunch alone. I HATE being alone. It's different here behind the optometry block, coz it's quite vacant. But in the canteens, you become all the more aware of how lonely you are when you see that other people are surrounded by company. Ah~ the insecurity.

But there's always other things to do - I got myself a new header image and now doing this post. I can't always depend on other people to alleviate my loneliness. It seems like I'm always latching myself to either Atiqah, Dear, or Mikun. Had to really hold back from sms-ing any 3 to ask where they were.

You're pathetic Haz.

11:41 AM

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Mood: Gloomy Gloomy

Seems like people have this impression that I don't really give a damn about a lot of things. Well, contrary to popular belief, I do. I hate it when I'm compared to other people. I hate it when I'm left alone. I hate it when I feel that I've reached the extent of my capabilities and it's not enough. I hate it when I'm unhappy. Oh god, you must hate me so for being such an ungrateful being.

First post in a long while and I'm whining. Whazzup beetches?

Also, change of top banner is due. Wonder what picture should I used next....?

12:58 PM

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