Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Friday, March 23, 2007




Religious class is not a time to master the art of sleeping with your chin resting on your palm and your head facing the other way. NOR is it the time to stagger around like a drunkard. Granted, I was starving and exhausted BUT WHAT WAS I DOING. I'll tell you what - I was staring at the ground with my squinty eyes and just happened to look up from this person's feet and bleddy hell lah. It's the first time I got a reaction from him and he even waved and what did I so geniously do? I leaned forward and squinted at him.

I feel dumb.

Though the wave was rather hesitant. As though if he did otherwise, I would have eaten him. ...I believe that yes, I was that hungry that I would have eaten anybody. BUT STILL. *whacks self* It's not like we even talk in school or anything - heck, in my whole three years, I haven't so much exchange a nod with him - so I should have at least said something intelligent then. Yes, intelligent. Though I don't think I can be anything but incoherent now. ... I wish we can go back to fourth floor. *bricked*

9:46 PM

Tuesday, March 20, 2007



I feel much calmer now. Sorry if the earlier post made you people worried. It was quite insensitive of me to just rant here. Things will work out for sure. I just know it! =)

7:11 PM

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Senseless Spam

Do you people know that I have a bad habit of spamming? XD
And I wanna spam someone so badly now but there's no one 'spammable' online so I shall spam here! =D

FIRST OFF. I think Nana Kitade's music is NICE. Her Engrish is UBER CUTE and I like her fashion sense - the way she can switch to punk and loli so easily! I wanna own one of her albums but I prolly can't afford it. BOO.

On that note, why does my life always revolve around cash? Or to be precise, my lack of it? BOO.

Andand to prove that the world is intent on making me poorer, Cosmode's latest issue is out. With the words 'CODE GEASS on the cover. GAH. SELF-CONTROL... SLIPPING.... (>O>)

Andand I'm liek torned apart between Cosmode and Layer. ...And Gothic Lolita Bible and Newtype Romance and... Okay, I think we both have established that I have many wants. (>.>)

Weeeeell, what else shall I talk about? Oh yes, JANICE - if you're reading this, please pass me my wig at school THANK YOU SO MUCH. =DDD

Talking about Janice reminded me of Suzumiya Haruhi Yuutsu(SHY)! We'll be cos-ing SHY one day, me as Nagato and Janice as Haruhi! We're currently trying to drag anyone half-willing to be Mikuru. XD Whoever it is, Janice, you better not grope her anyhow. No, excuse for 'being in character' will not be accepted.XD LIEK OMFG YAY. Let's all hope that Cosfest is two days yah? =3

WOAH. Amazingly, I haven't once 'measured the road' (my mother's way of referring to me going out till late) this holiday! *LE GASP* ...Prolly coz they is no point going out anyways. (>.>)



**For those who don't know who is who: Janice will be the black-haired protagonist, Haruhi - hyper, demanding, imaginative and bossy. Mikuru is in the maid outfit, the cutie who gets bullied by the protagonist. And I'll be the one stoning. *stoooones* (.___.) ... XDDD

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6:24 PM

Saturday, March 03, 2007


After watching this vid. I FEEL MUCH BETTER. =)



10:38 AM


I'm finally blogging. Liek oh wow.
But it's not really very great or anything coz I bring with me today bad news.

I'm liek sad.
Coz I might not be able to go OBS.

Apparently, my edusave was insufficient. So I hafta pay cash.
A freaking S$300.
That's like enough for me to double cosplay this CF. Maybe even TRIPLE cos. (-___-||)

So I told my mom and she went "Your brother needs cash for his operation next month okay and transferring of blood for this month ain't gonna be cheap too why you need so much money *pauses and takes a look at OBS sheet* WHAT go pulau ubin no way in hell cannot go wait you fall sick there who the hell wanna bring you back cannot cannot end of story kthxbai!"

This shows that when she signed my edusave form, she didn't even look at the content! I bet I could show her a excursion form to Downtown East on a certain weekend in July *coughs coughs* and she wouldn't even realise it! Shows what observant parents I have. *sighs*

But I bet she feels guilty about not letting me go and she's allowing me to use the comp with not much resistance. Whenever I try to use the comp in the morning before chores, all hell breaks loose. (>_<) Let me get this straight, I know of my family's financial difficulties and I do feel guilty. But I really would like to go OBS... I'll be really quite sad if I don't but come on, be realistic! I can't probably save up enough cash in time, even if I sacrifice my cosplay funds! Sides, cosplay is like my life. It deserves more money than OBS. Sue me for having an expensive hobby.

So like now I'm all gloomy. It's not nice to be gloomy early in the morning. But still, I can't help it. Plus, my mom said we're not going to my old neighbour's house for CNY. COZ WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH CASH TO GIVE TO THEIR CHILDREN.

Money is the root of all SADNESS.

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