Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mood: Photobucket Nervous
Listening to: Electric Version - The New Pornographers

I don't really like my latest post to be all emo so here's an update, haha. Then don't do emo posts at all dammit! >0<

TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY. Oh god, what am I still doing drumming on Rockband.


Haha, I asked for an off day tomorrow so I can either partay the day away or cry like a loser in my room. Wise decision, y/y?

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9:11 PM

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Mood: Photobucket Indifferent
Listening to: Heartbeat, Heartbreak - Shoji Meguro

Sometimes, I wish you were around. Other times, I wonder why I even thought like so.
It's 'other time' now.

I feel so cold. But it's okay.
I'll make use of this time to dislike you as much as I can.

Things used to be so different. Or maybe not.

I'm so tired of all this shit.


12:11 AM

Monday, January 05, 2009

Mood: Photobucket fadsfasd YEE~ESSS! Accomplished
Listening to: Memories of You - Shoji Meguro

'Sup losers. I'M NOT DEAD.

... Okay um, I'll try to be orderly about this. Firstly, the reason I'm online~! My manager has been asked to reduce my working hours so this leaves me with more time to do... whatever the hell I want to, lol.

I think it's coz they end up paying me a lot. You know how part-timers are paid hourly while full-timers are paid a fixed rate regardless of working hours? Since I usually stay back so much, they prolly ended up paying me more than expected. Hurhurhur.

So these days, rather than my usual schedule of 10-14hours, my hours have been reduced to 7-10. This might sound rather much but it actually includes my travelling time of two hours per day. Why must I live so far. OTL

Like I said, there's a lot to blog about - but I usually forget as soon as I'm on the keyboard OTL - so I'll try to be orderly!

Also, check out the new moodtheme and song. Sweet eh? 8D

*~*Reply to taggers*~* (I don't want to flood my tagboard. D: )

Geelyn: Thanks for the sympathy dear D: Sometimes, crap happens. Hope you had a nicer day then me~!
Wani: Haha, thanks~! And wani (in Japanese) means ALLIGATOR. XD
Kit: OKAY. 8DDD Must hang out~!
Pls help: I'm sorry I couldn't help you. Why does this sound so cliche-movie-line-from-angsty-hero. I tried to do the survey for you but it seemed to be already closed. Also, a word of advice: Try tagging with your name. Putting "Pls help' makes you sound like you might be a possible virus, or a desperado. Possibly both. No offence! :)
Janice: That smell must be you. Tee hee, joke~! Thanks for checking back anyways. :D Hope you like the new update since it's SUPPEEER long. XD


I've been promising to blog about this but I will take the chicken's way out.

Someone spiked my drink so I ended up dancing the night away. I can't really recall what happened after that except that I enjoyed myself excessively. I woke up the next day with aching feet. Psst, one of the information provided above is a lie. Spot the not?


I went to Thailand~! Okay to put it precisely, I went to Langkawi, then Hat Yai before finally going to KL and returning home. Tiring but quite awesome. I'm not so sure however, if it was worth working without any off-days just to make up for my abscence for 6 days.

Langkawi was frigging SCORCHING and no amount of SPF protection could save your skin. My sister-in-law was with us and it was her first time outside of singapore (JB does not really count) so we went to do all sorts of tourist-y stuff. Went to the underwater world (OVERCHARGING! It used to be RM17 and now it shot to RM28! D: ) and the cablecar (Long queue was long.).

AND I NEED TO SQUEE this is my blog so shut up I can squee here. My dad has a friend in Langkawi and every time we go there we meet up. Well, he has this adorable little boy called Zulkarnai and he gave me a flower. It was so sweet~!

At their farm :-
Me: *feels someone tugging on sleeve* Hmm? *turns around*
Nai-nai: *is holding out a yellow flower to me*
Me: ! Oh, is this for me? :)
Nai-nai: *nods and smiles shyly*
Me: Thank you! :DD
Nai-nai: *goes away blushing*

FASDFADSFAS UTTER CUTENESS. I totally melted. Guys don't really do these kinda small, sweet gestures these days. They should learn from him!

Also, he was wearing a sweater with the numbers 99 on it. Nai-nai, ninety-nine. Geddit? Geddit?? CUTE RIGHT? ... Oh god I'm such a pedo.

Thailand was less... tourist-y for us. Parents sealed themselves up in the hotel room while we youngsters prowled the streets. Didn't do much shopping but I did get this awesome pair of kickass 5+cm platforms (Will update with pictures soon coz I'm a show-off like that).


Shit, long post is long. ...Uh, just one more section then.

*~*Miscellaneous*~* (Why do I always end up choosing incredibly gay colors for the headings?)

Remeber how I said that the heat of Langkawi can pwn your skin? Well, my cheeks started peeling again (after it got all better too!!! D:) and my acne was acting up. And then I discovered the miracle - Himalaya. Not the mountain, you jackass. It's this brand of products which uses herbs and other healthy what-nots in their ingredients. Just two washes with their neem face wash and my skin has seen an obvious improvement. How obvious? Well, the huge zit on my forehead has been reduced to just a little dot. I highly recommend this product!

Am trying their acne-and-pimple cream too. The effect is not as fast as the neem wash but there's no side-effects. I'm willing to give this one time to prove itself. Anyways, this is better suited for me than Acneclear, NUteen and Clearasil (God, I hate this brand. It killed my skin. D< ) so for all you guys who have trouble finding the right cleanser, I say go for this. Also, Watsons is having a 10-50% discount on a lot of products and this happens to be one of them so trying it now would be damn economical! *Not really shameless advertising coz it's the truth*

Other things I have blown my cash on includes make up, USA Cosmode (*~*TOTALLY WORTH IT*~*), and a spanking Wacom Bamboo graphic tablet.

Yes, I love my pay. *flaunts*

*~*End of SUPPEEER long post of utter awesomeness*~*

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