Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Friday, March 27, 2009

Mood: Weird Weird
Listening to: I'm Too Sexy - Right Said Fred Oh god someone anyone please give me another song to listen to.

It's my off day today and for once, I wished it wasn't.

These days, I have been very... weird, to say the least. I'm always staring off. You might say I'm unfocused. I'd be in the shop and Rose will tell me to clean up the gondola and after nodding and dragging down a pail of water from the storage floor, I'll be going up to her and asking what it was she wanted me to do again.

Or I'll be in the bus, just listening to my Lestat the Musical soundtrack while staring out the window, going "Oh look, a tree. Oh look, a red car. Oh look, Funan the IT Mall. Oh look- WAIT THAT WAS MY STOP."

I can't put my finger on it but something seems to be out of place with me. My appetite is going haywire; sometimes practically non-existent while at other times, unsatisfiable . I get... mood swings, as one would call it. I'm always gazing distantly at something. ALWAYS. And I've been told twice that I'm pale. This is not healthy.

My colleagues came up with the explanation that I am in love, and my brain could not function normally because of my uncontrolled emotions. Sounds plausible and all but the thing is that I'm not in love. Unless you're refering to my fondness of splurging but some would call that an uncontrollable obsession with shopping.

This morning, I woke up to have a shower and breakfast (a bowl of noodle soup and some fried rice with egg) before plopping down on my bed to read Memnoch the Devil. I gave up after two chapters despite the rather interesting storyline. Here, let me read it out to you:

"I'm going to stay with you," he said. "Do you have any rooms here?"
"Nothing proper. Find something for us. Find it close to... close to the cathedral."
"Well, David, you should know why. If the Devil starts chasing me down Fifth Avenue, I'll just run into St. Patrick's and run to the High Altar and fall on my knees before the Blessed Sacrement and beg God to forgive me, not to sink me into the river of fire up to my eyes."
"You are on the verge of being truly mad."
"No, not at all. Look at me. I can tie my shoelaces. See? And my tie. Takes some care, you know, to get it all around your neck and into your shirt and so forth, and not to look like a lunatic with a big scarf around your neck. I'm together, as mortals so bluntly state it. Can you find us some rooms?"

I will stop here for fear of boring you but let me just say that this exchange has yet to fail in making me amused.

Lost on what to do next, I took out my box of facial masks and proceeded to cleanse my face with a self-sauna mask. And after that, I drummed and stretched my vocal chords on Rockband, only to realise that I wasn't having any fun so damn the game, I switched it off and switched on the computer.

Only to realise that there was nothing that I wanted to use the computer for. Nobody who I really wanted to chat to. I wasn't in the mood to prowl livejournal communities pertaining to my interests and all those random activities that would keep me attached to the computer for hours. I contemplated watching a movie but my heart's not really into it.

Oh god, it's hot. Let me switch on the fan. Ah, that's better. No one's at home to screech at me for my wastage of precious electricity, just so you know.

Where was I? Yes, yes, I have no idea what to do with the remaining 5 hours of today before I tuck myself in for an early sleep. I suppose I could go to sleep now but mon dieu, what would I do in the wee hours of the day then!

Oh god, shut up. Have you lost your mind, woman! Stop ranting. Ranting is not going to do anything about it. In fact, nothing seems to be effectiv- JUST SHUT UP, HAZRINA.

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4:06 PM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mood: High High
Listening to: I'm too sexy - Right Said Fred


Why is it that these days I'm either high as the clouds or moody like a suicidal hobo?

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8:57 PM

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mood: Dorky Dorky
Listening to: Barbie Girl - Aqua


[1]: For those of you non-'vampire chronicles' fans, go google up Anne Rice's vampire Armand.


8:35 PM

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mood: Discontent Discontent
Listening to: I'm Too Sexy - Right Said Fred Such contrast with my mood seriously.

I don't really feel very... good these days. I spend a lot of time thinking about things too seriously. I have been told that I'm a bit too much of a realist; I should do something about this.

Today was my off-day and I slept in like woah. I actually woke at 7 in the morning and after brushing my teeth and having a cup of black tea, I went back to sleep.

I had the strangest dream.

I was a student in this school. And apparently I was a bully - one of many there, might I add. I would do with my targets in the most cruellest manner; I would befriend them before I would beat them or steal their belongings. I'd rip their books, verbally abuse them. Vicious things such as that. There was no reason for it. It just seemed... like something to do. But I was one of the more tame bullies. There was no camaraderie between us fellow bullies, just so you know. I myself would often get into brawls with them. But there was this one boy. I couldn't really remember his name, only that it started with 'Z'. I made him my new victim, but I can't help but feel that he was the one toying with me. He would be the cause of my problems somehow and I'd be thinking of him desperately. It drove me to madness. And he would be there, getting me out of whatever he had happened to land myself in. But I feel no malice from him, just love. I don't really know what I felt towards him, just that I was uneasy when we didn't meet for long periods of time, pleased when he looks at only me, protective when I would wrap my arms over him and thrilled when I stroke his hair as though it was a cat's coat. I would seek him out during class (I played truant often apparently.) and get myself into a tizzy searching for him.

He would also often get himself into trouble, though whether on purpose or not I do not know. I suspect that he did it intentionally, just to see me break down. He got himself trapped in a locked-up, haunted classroom before and I remember crying and dragging a teacher there to knock down the door. He was smart; he got several other students locked inside to make it seemed like an accident and not some scheme of his. And when the doors were smashed, I ran inside a classroom filled with many pale, little children just staring at me. Ghosts they were, perhaps. I don't know, just that no one else seemed to be able to see them. I was so terrified that I started to shake but he just held me and told me he was alright.

This Zain, or Zahir or whatever his name is.. He's not the ideal picture of a girl's prince charming but I... I guess I really liked him.

I woke up to my phone ringing. Sarah was calling me to go down for this Hetalia team outing, which I did. I was supposed to go clothes shopping later on with my brother and sister but I was too exhausted for it. I spent the rest of the day reading Queen of the Damned.

Well, what a good waste of an off-day.

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12:20 AM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mood: Calm Calm
Listening to: Crimson Kiss - Lestat the musical @ San Francisco

First off...


As it was my off day on the eve of his birthday, I spent the day baking a cake~ It was my virgin cake-baking experience but I think I managed to pull it off. 8D

And I think Oda was quite touched I went through all the trouble for him haha. He was all like "So troublesome. L: " What a tsundere.

So yeah, hope he has another good year up ahead! : D

That aside, Sarah, Shang and I went out the other day to Orchard! Sarah left a little earlier so it was just me and Shang later though. AND GUESS WHAT.


SRSLY. AND HE ASKED ME AND SHANG TO BE HIS MODELS HAHA WTF. I AM NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP. I KINDA DIED AT THE WHOLE EXPERIENCE LOLOLOL. But after declining his 'too-good-to-be-true' offer, we went to the arcade at Dhoby Ghout. I never really did see the point of going to arcades when you have tons of consoles at home but. SILENT HILL. IS SO MUCH FUN. *squee*

We played Para and Taiko Drum Master as well! And we were one of the few females there. How... awkward. >__>

Shang came over the other day too and we played Resident Evil 5 at my place. I think I'm gaming too much. OTL

Also, I am seriously Lestat-obsessed. My computer didn't accept Lestat as a word; it's underlined in red. Well, it does now.

Okay, I should go and shower now before spending my off day reading Queen of the Damned. And going out with Sarah. And shop for clothes with Stalin- I mean, my brother. TA TA LOSERS. Yes, you know you are losers for even reading my blog haha.


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10:43 PM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mood: Sleepy Sleepy
Listening to: My brother playing Fallout 3

Um lesse... Something worthy to update with... Oh~!

Remember I said that I went for my health check? It's a necessity for Health Science (Nursing) students. And boy...


So it goes like this : the doctor poked the needle into my right arm twice. He didn't manage to draw any blood so he turned to my left arm, but to no avail. He then changed to a finer needle for the syringe, but my left arm still refused to cooperate. Thus, he turned back to the right arm but it still wouldn't give blood. He then changed to the most finest needle and into my right arm it went~! And the blood flowed, but it was oh-so-little. And mind you, he didn't just stick the needle in me. He shifted the bloody thing (not literally, not yet haha) around while it was still partially in me. He should have thanked the heavens that he was a nice, young man or I would have torn his hide to pieces.

Mm.. I spent my last 2 days rolling about with a bit of a fever while finishing up the Tale of the Body Thief. That, and watching Interview with the Vampire on Youtube. While Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise stayed true to the image that I had ingrained in my childhood mind, Antonio Banderas made me want to kill kittens. I mean, I love the guy but him as Armand? Oh god.

Also, Lestat is one hell of a sexy blood-sucker.

Look at that face and tell me you don't agree. Why yes Lestat, you are damn pretty.

...W-what. It's not wrong to think of a vampire as sexy right? Plus, he's like being acted out by Tom Cruise so it can't be helped. And why is my post today revolving around blood haha.

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9:46 PM

Monday, March 09, 2009

Mood: Blank Blank
Listening to: The computer's fan

It's now 1am. 9th March.

.... *~*OFF DAY*~* MFYYYYYY! 8D

Still, I pretty much already have a plan today haha. Typical of me, to make myself busy on my free day lol.

In chronological order:
- Go jogging with mommy
- Go for health check
- Clear library fines
- Pay internet bill
- Shop for shoes/jacket (vvv not impt. sadly. orz)
- Work on katana
- Try to work my way around facebook. Again.
- Read 'The Tale of the Body Thief'

And then I'll complain that I'm tired and all that. I should really relax once in a while lol.

ALSO. I THINK I SMILE INSINCERELY. SRSLY. I glanced at the mirror at the till and noticed that the smile I usually give my customers look something like --> :]

Like, I would just thin my lips and slightly curve the corners of my mouth. And this look borders dangerously between a forced smile and a smirk. Which is quite beeyotch-y.

AND JUST NOW, on my way back home from work, something like, utterly shitty happened. There was this Indian lady behind me when I was going up the escalator and she called out to me. When I turned around, she asked me to carry her bag for her. SRSLY. NOT SHITTING YOU. I WAS SO STUNNED THAT I HELD ON TO THE BAG WITH A (0_0) -FACE. DO I LOOK LIKE YOUR PERSONAL MAID MA'AM? I have however, been mistaken as a Spotlight salesperson while wandering around there after work. orz Her sin however, was not making me into a servant of sorts, but she. Called. Me. AUNTIE. Like, FFFFF- you're ancient compared to me hag.

... I DON'T REALLY HAVE ANYTHING TO BLOG ABOUT. Also, dad came by the door and went all "I'll make it a black out if you don't go to sleep.". And we all know how Oda's word is law so fffff- going to sleep now ttylkthxbye.

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12:01 AM

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Mood: Naughty Hurhurhur..
Listening to: When You Were Young - The Killers

You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy
To save you from your old ways

-When You Were Young

... I like this song. *hums*

Haha, it's been a long time since I posted something. I meant to give a lengthy update but I got carried away reading Anne Rice's Interview With The Vampire (totally justified, coz Lestat and Armand are hot and pitiful blokes noIdidn'tcried) so it's time for another one of my condensed posts~! 8D

As per usual, I shall only update with things I deemed worthy to mention. *lazypeas*

*~*11th February, Wednesday*~*

My original plans was screwed up a bit so I was quite free for the whole morning. Met up with a friend at CCK MRT where we took a bus to Orchard. This is like the umpteenth time I've been to Orchard this year but there isn't really much to do in small Singapore. OTL Went to grab a bite and I got my present from him, this really fancy looking mirror that we saw at Bugis the other day! So utterly pretty~! And you can slot a picture in the top mirror! *lovesloves it*

And for a lack of better things to do, we walked all the way to Clarke Quay after that, lol. There was also this guy who asked us for the kiblat (direction to face when performing prayers) at Takashimaya. That's right - the kiblat in a shopping center district. After directing him to the mosque nearby, we continued walking only to have the sky wrenched it's clouds dry on us. Thank god I had an umbrella but we were still drenched. OTL

And another thing that I've learnt is that it pays to be shameless. Initially, my friend wanted to get this butterfly pendent for me that we saw at Bugis but the bloody sod manning the cart stall had it sold off already. And sacre bleu, we saw it at Clarke Quay! At the cart stalls near the clubs by the Singapore river! The owner was a really funny guy, haha. Our exchange went something like this...

Me: Excuse me, how much is this?
Guy: Twenty-two dollars.
Me: //WTF. The one at Bugis was $25.//
Friend: You wanna get it?
Me: I'm not so sure... But I really like it...
Guy: *took down the pendent* Thank you~!
Me: O_O //Is he being sarcastic or something?// Um...
Guy: Okay, okay. How about $18?
Me: !! ... $18... The one we saw at Bugis was $25...
Guy: Bugis Junction right? That's another one of my store.
Me: !!! Okay... o_o Mm... $18 is a good price but... Price cannot be lowered any more? It's my birthday today...
Guy: Okay lah. Fifteen dollars.


*~*13th February, Friday*~*

Friday the thirteenth stayed true to its name. There was this creepy guy who followed me around in NTUC during my work break and he tried to exchange numbers and was all leery. When I told him I didn't have a handphone, he told me to ask him out one day and we can go shopping for one together. I dumped his number afterwards. I didn't like him. D:

*~*28th February, Saturday*~*

HQ didn't receive the part-timers' work hours so no pay for us. Yet. BUT STILL. D<

*~*02nd March Monday*~*


*~*04th March, Wednesday*~*

Which is yesterday~! One of the rare occasions when I decide to look good working so I applied make up haha. And there was this Malay guy with two friends and two little kids looking at hair dyes while I was doing stock-receiving nearby. It went something like this..

Little kids: *doing what little kids do best, making noise*
M.Guy: [in malay] Don't be so noisy, wait you'll disturb that sister.
Me: *ignores coz oh god SIX toteboxes to go through OTL*
M.Guy: Eleh, this little kid like real liddat. As if he's the one who's gonna dye his hair.
Me: *snorts with laughter*
M.Guy: Hmm? *notices me*
Me: *bites lip to stiffle smile*
M.Guy: Eh.. *motions to the kid* This sister like knows what we're talking about...
Me: *pretends to be engrossed in papers*

I totally started grinning then. It was either that, or laughing like a maniac.

He was out at the store waiting for me during closing time and we walked together to the MRT. We talked and he was kinda... a touchy-feely guy. But friendly enough, so I didn't mind much. Before you go "OMG WHORE ALERT." at me, I have to say that I've been feeling rather... lonely lately. Everyone went on their separate ways to their respective schools and everyday, work has been a monotonous routine for me. Though I don't complain coz I could be having it much worse, I sometime wish that things would be a little different. I feel so unhappy sometimes.

But like I said, I'm grateful for what I have so yeah. ...I don't really make much sense now coz I have to leave for work yet there is this pull towards finishing this post so I am just letting my thoughts flow through my fingers onto the keyboard and- ... Okay what was I talking about again? XD

So it's off to work now. I'll be having lunch later with the guy. We'll see how things go on from there. (:

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