Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Moo4'd*:Distressed Distressed
L/0ist*en/0ing to: Am*er/0i+/cae4'ds N*ext To1p, Mo4'de*l /)Intro

F/0irst of all1p, /)I soun4'd l/0i;k*e a 4'ditz.

... I'dm not fak/ing th/0is. My /c+om1p,ut*er re*fus*es to sp,*ell wor4'ds +/corr*e+/ctly. *s/0ighs*

+?Can you guys un4'd*erstan4'd m*e+?C

I could edit my words one by one but do you know how long that would take???

... That4'ds /0it. /)I4'dm off to wat+/ch Am*er/0i+/ca4'ds N*ext To1p, mo4'e*l to +/ch*e*er u1p.



9:52 PM

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mood: Exhausted Exhausted
Listening to: Skillet - Those Nights

I'm kinda feeling tired haha. I swear my eyebags are so black, you'd think they were part of a face camouflage for the army men. *sighs*

I wasn't feeling well this morning and was tempted to stay home today. Still had the headache and fever from yesterday but well, I couldn't bring myself to skip school. The subjects weren't that bad today anyways and I bet William woulda kill me tomorrow for leaving him all alone during our biology practical haha.

I'm tempted to skip tomorrow but I bet he'll join forces with my Chemistry teacher to kill me or something. Shucks.

After school, I went to Jurong Point. Sarah was such a dear to accompany me there~! *hugs* So we went there, and I bought a pair of brown flats for my mom. She's been complaining about her old shoes; they're uncomfortable and old. I thought it'd be nice to get her something once in a while. While browsing around the shops there for shoes, I realised that I don't really know my mom that well - I had tons of trouble picking a design that I thought would suit her and one that she'd like. It made me feel incredibly bad really. I've NEVER bought anything for her (besides food, but that doesn't really count).

Come to think of it, this year has been a lot of firsts - my first time getting a birthday gift for my dad, my first time buying a dress, my first time falling in love (haha, just kidding). XD

No, really; I AM kidding.

Anyways, like my mood theme implies, I'm pretty exhausted now. I'll be going for a quickie quick nap before I study Chemistry then~! Will blog later~!:D


7:54 PM

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mood: Groggy Groggy
Listening to: Sola - Mellow Melody

Today has been a very busy day, ayup. Hazel had vouchers for Times and so we trudged on to the bookstore at Somerset. Came back around 6 to my brother Lenin warning me that Stalin and mumsie was angry at me but they seem kinda fine when I talk to them. Told them truthfully where I went and stuff so I guess they're not angry and all. Also, the fact that I look like death may had something to do with it; everyone is treating me nicely now.

It all started from PE. It was the last session before the exams so I went all out. We played floorball and we were running around while beating the ground as though we were gladiators. And we screamed like one too - loud whoops after every victorious ball through the goal. After that, we played netball. It was then that the headache started. I suppose it was the sun's heat that got to me (it was rather bright) and I've been having that headache ever since.

Janice kept telling me to rest but I'm pretty stubborn.

Yama had the same PE period as us. That's part of the reason I didn't want to stop; I'd rather suffer than look weak in front of Yama. ... I sound like such a smitten fangirl, I feel like shooting a puppy.

... Yes, I feel like shooting puppies whenever I'm upset/horrified/irked/pissed/ashamed/*insert other negative emotions here*.

Janice: HAZ. GO REST ALREADY CAN. You want to die issit?
Me: I don't wanna die. I wanna WIN.

It would have been more convincing and cool if I didn't look like death all over though, haha. But I guess this made me realise that indeed I'm very stubborn. Jan went on to say that I'm the type of person who once her mind is made up on something, I'll pursue it till I drop dead.

Now why can't I maintain that same standard for studying? D:

Going off to rest and do homework. Kthx for reading and bai. <3


7:46 PM

Mood: Satisfied Satisfied
Listening to: L.MC - "88"

New skin~!
God, it took forever to make that picture. *headesks in despair*

...Off to burn midnight oil so that my homework can be finished. *sighs*


12:27 AM

Monday, July 28, 2008

Mood: Tired Tired
Listening to: T.M.Revolution - Sandome

Been a while since I updated. Figured I shouldn't spam my updates so much lest I overuse my mood themes. XD

Uh, conversational topic of the day? Um. Being mean.

Really, I'm a very bitchy person. It's really visible when you observe me (not that you should; I doubt it's fun). From my everyday ranting to the sarcastic "WHY THANK YOU DEAR." that I snarled to the ditz who bumped hard into my bag, the bitchiness is ever-present. Occasionally, I'll feel bad about my bitching and then I'll sit down somewhere and calmly analyze the Cause of Bitchiness (COB for short, haha) and try to think of methods to solve it. Like now.

Right now, I'm telling myself that I should accept people as they are (no matter how annoying or pesky or irritating they are...) since they do that for me. And I'm no little miss perfect myself. Below is the list of my... issues... that I've come up with:

- NOT punctual most of the time
- lethargic
- indecisive
- dense (sometimes)
- chatterbox
- i can go on and on and on and on...
- insensitive (? am I really? No, srsly.)
- noise-pollutant
- vulgar

You guys know what? I'm gonna let you guys help me (auugh that sounds like it's an HONOR to help me; I need to work on my wording as well). Here's how:

Post anonymously at my tagboard about things you dislike about me.


*coughs* Think of it as constructive criticism. I'll take each and every feedback in a bid to make myself a better person. *nods nods*


Um. Life has been pretty uneventful. I'm trying to- working hard in school. I'm slower so I'd have to put in double the effort of others. D: And prelims are very fast approaching too. *cringes* So pardon the lack of/ occasionally long updates.

On another note, I found out that going to the toilet less is a good way to gain weight. I shit you not; I weighed 45kg (RECORD. :D) before I went to the washroom. Afterwards, my weight went down to 43.5kg (bleah, normal weight). I don't know whether to laugh or cry, haha.

My joints ache. D:

/Edit: Woah, this is kinda like a srs business post, haha.

/Further edit: I am the #1 mood killer. Title awarded due to how I end my posts with the weirdest crap ever.

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8:30 PM

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mood: Jealous Jealous
Listening to: Vocaloid - Black Rock Shooter

I was putting on make-up today (going to this wedding of a friend of mom's) when my brother went into the room and went, "HOMG artificial beauty~!".

There's no point putting on make-up really coz Nobunaga Oda came along. I wonder if I will ever get married with him glaring at any guy daring to come within a meter radius of me. *sighs*

I like make-up. It hides all the imperfections on my face and everything so why not? Don't get me wrong; I don't hate my face (On the contrary, I'm rather grateful with how I look. ...Except the weight factor.). But somewhere along the lines, I think I've gotten too attached to cosmetics, to the point of feeling rather insecure without it. It makes me feel pathetic really. D:

I pray to god I won't end up like one of our school teachers. I think you should know who.


And then I saw an old neighbor of mine (note:old in a sense of former, not aged) and boy, the little green monster in me flared up. She was SO PRETTY; fair skin, shining eyes, cute voice, the works. I felt so envious, still do now in fact.

I'm so shallow. D:


On a more cheerful note, I found like a SHITLOADOF8059DOUJINS some entertaining pieces of literature. I'll go spend some time fangirling frothing giggling examining them later.

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5:51 PM

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mood: Jubilant Jubilant
Listening to: "Hey Juliet" by Lmnt

Song lyrics | Hey Juliet lyrics

Haha, such a cute song eh~! 8D

Yama sang this to Gokkun on Prom Night and they eloped afterwards and lived happily ever after. THE END~! >D


10:45 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008

Mood: Guilty Guilty

Haha, mom caught me online at 4 in the morning. XD


4:08 AM

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Mood: Drained Drained
Listening to: "Under the Darkness" by CG MIX

Tired. So tired.
S-sleep. Ah. Wait, can't.
I have to do literature. And HMT. And Social Studies.
*flops dead* m(_ _)m

First day of school after the holidays. Nothing eventful cept during recess, this lower sec girl dropped a dollar in the drain. She tried to reach for it but her fingers wouldn't get through the spaces between the drain cover. Was contemplating waiting till she gives up on getting it back and take the money for myself but I decided to help her; lifted the drain cover off and got the money for her. ... Whut? A dollar is a lot of money okay.

Oh, may I ask your opinion? Which one of these two outfits do you prefer?

Uh. Not telling why I'm asking this but the answer is pretty obvious I suppose. >__>


Don't you feel so useless when you can't help someone in need?

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5:33 PM

Monday, July 07, 2008

Mood: Predatory Predatory
Listening to: Higurashi Kai ed - "Taishou.a"

I feel like shit. Which is a contrast to what I was feeling say... 30 minutes ago?
Was in the middle of writing a chirpy post but I'll save it for later.

Anyways. Where was I? Oh yes, feeling like shit. See, I'm easily affected emotion-wise actually. All it takes is for someone to be sad and I'll feel sad. Alternatively, if I'm a little down, all I need is a happy person next to me and I'll be infected with their happiness. That being said, yes, my mood is being affected by someone else's now.

You see, I'm kinda protective of my friends. Some might even say over-protective. So of course my natural instinct when someone upsets my friend is to go hunt the culprit and give him an up-sized serving of physical bashing with a side dish of verbal abuse. But if my friend says no, I'll obey. Even though the killing urge is driving me insane.

Anyways, I only have this to say to that offender:

You're a COWARD. What is this lah, taking the easy way out? I hope you're feeling awful because I need you to take your feelings and multiply them by ten to feel at least a fraction of what that person is feeling now. I used to think you were decent but I guess looks can be deceiving. "Instead of dragging on and hurting everyone..." Pray tell, who is this EVERYONE? The way I see it, only one person is hurt here and boy, it's definitely not you. I hope the guilt gets to you bad but since you're such a bastard, I doubt it. The most I can hope for is that you'll get yourself in deep shit. Literally or figuratively, take your pick.


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12:36 PM

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Mood: Touched Touched
Listening to: "Cycle" by Cherry Blossom

Watched episode 89 of Reborn just now and since I have no life I took some screencaps to share. XD

Katekyo Hitman Reborn (Episode 89):

Uni appeared~! Darn. I am tempted to cosplay her. <3

Baby!Gokkun is cute. <3

Gokkun-mama. This episode was fairly sad. D:
It made me realise nothing's deeper than a mother's love.

So treasure your mother (and father too) for one day, they won't be there for you to treasure them at all.


...I WANT THE 8059BOX.


.... Yes, I am sure one heck of a mood-wrecker.

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4:30 PM

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Mood: Sore Sore
Listening to: Topo's Dance Rave.MID


Went for literature at Boon Lay CC this morning. Later on, met up with Sarah dear and we three - Herianti was with me as well - went to (quickly) shop for shoes and clothes to change into. Like, no duh. Going to Cosfest in school uniform?

...Yes, I went Cosfest.

Met Shang there and boy, we SCREAMED the house down lol. Went looking at the booths (nothing interesting) and then we were admiring the cosers (not that many which impressed us). There was an influx of D.Gray-man. However, I was impressed by the Soul Eater cosers. <3 I also met Mirul and Raash there. It's nice to meet up with old friends. :)

I have to say that it's kinda over-hyped. I prefer EOY to Cosfest. I'm so disappointed that I bought nothing at all from any booths. There was nothing that interested me much (THERE WAS REBORN STUFF. THAT SAYS A LOT.) Plus, the place was crowded with people. What do you expect of a free event? And there was a lack of things to do; we keep asking each other what we felt like doing. Perhaps it's better if I went on Sunday; there'll be performances then. But still...

I might not go Cosfest anymore. It's less worse than Matsuri but not as good as SOY. EOY seems to be topping my list of favourite events with Coscon next to it. Let's see if there'll be any changes in ranking in the future yes? :)

For now, I shall rest. My feet are killing me (the front of my stockings were stained with a little bit of red; I worry it's blood but I can't confirm it) and my eyes are dry. Auuuugh and I still have something on tomorrow morning. Here's hoping that I will survive.

*clinks wine glass*

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8:58 PM

Mood:Accomplished Accomplished
Listening to: The late night traffic (Not a song, people. XD)

Liek so yeaaaah. *shifty eyes*

Reviving this blog. Cause I kinda miss blogging.
And look~! I even got a mood theme and a new skin! :D

Uh, yeah. So uh, more updates coming soon? Ciao~! XD

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