Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mood: Impressed Impressed
Listening to: The rain pattering on my window *attempt at being poetic*

Firstly, The Godfather is sick, man. It's awesome shit.
Oda would fit perfectly as Vito Corleone. Trufax.

It's been a long time since I've watched a movie and the fact that this one is a GREAT one is all the more better. The movie got me thinking about many things and some scenes were very moving. I teared up at the part where the Don was looking at Sonny's body with this small sad smile on his face, as though he was torn between laughing and crying. And shock factor was plentiful as well (how they dealt with Carlo? Keysmash-worthy.) The scene with the horse's head? Deliciously shocking.

I have a feeling all of you might think I'm sadistic now. XD

Tempted to watch the next movie but a 6-hour movie marathon might be pushing it. Ah~ popcorn would really hit the spot now. <3


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11:37 AM

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mood: Jubilant FUCKIN LOL Jubilant

Helen {} has added you as a contact on msn.

- Accept and add this contact to your messenger list.


[[Kowaii Uke-chan]] Hera.Tempesta (Ice Queen) says:
hello (:
[[Kowaii Uke-chan]] Hera.Tempesta (Ice Queen) says:
who are you?
Helen says:
hey, A/S/L?
[[Kowaii Uke-chan]] Hera.Tempesta (Ice Queen) says:
i asked first (:
Helen says:
hey whats up babe, U got a webcam? finally someone adds me, I am soo fuckin horny today for some reason lol
[[Kowaii Uke-chan]] Hera.Tempesta (Ice Queen) says:
.... a pervert huh? *sighs*
[[Kowaii Uke-chan]] Hera.Tempesta (Ice Queen) says:
sorry, not interested.
Helen says:
listen hun, I am just about to start my webcam show with jen, come chat me there in my chat room? We can cyber, I will get naked if u!
[[Kowaii Uke-chan]] Hera.Tempesta (Ice Queen) says:
i'm sorry, i'm not interested. you can try someone else. wish you good luck! (:

[You cannot send or receive a message from Helen because you've blocked this contact.]


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1:46 PM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mood: Giggly Giggly
Listening to: Cute Is What We Aim For - Navigate Me

If my mood theme consisted of the mood 'breathlessly excited' or 'extremely blushy', I would have chosen it to convey my mood now but alas.

風雅. The cause of my excitement. Seriously, you are the living embodiment of sexy itself. I saw a picture of you giving a sideways glance to the camera and now I have to bite my lip because it's quivering so much from my being flustered like so. AUGH I ENVY THAT GIRL WITH YOU. D:

I are in scary jealous fangirl mode.

I wonder; are you the better Yama of the two I like? ... Okay. I'm gonna stop wondering now. And I have to stop leaving his msn window open. It's like I'm disillusioning myself that we're talking. Which truly might be the case, ho shit-

OT: I know that I complain about stalkers sometimes but I seriously think that at times, I'm just like one. Seriously, what was I doing finding blogs and friendster accounts? Oh yeah, boredom.

This has made me seriously consider a profession as a Private Investigator.

Edit: Haha, my mood chosen for today is Yamamoto! How appropriate! 8D


11:55 PM

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mood: Lethargic Lethargic
Listening to: Cute Is What We Aim For - Do What You Do

Uhm. I'll be going out later to Liang Court. Usually, this is where I would start praying that I don't splurge and when I DO splurge I'll just facepalm. But since I'm already broke (for realz), I don't have to go through this practice today haha. (:

Shang finishes her paper at 12.30? So I'll be going out soon to meet up with them. I thought that they were gonna crash my house and spam PS1 games before we head off to Kino but I got a call saying that they were at Lot 1 so that's that. I just poured the drinks into a bottle back into a fridge and the snacks are back in the drawers so yeah.

*perks up* But I got an uninvited visitor~! You know Orange-kun, the orange kitty around my neighbourhood? It was in my corridor when I went out to water the plants! It was all over me and rubbing everywhere~ If that kitty was human, I'd marry it. Srsly. <3



11:52 AM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm using my brother's computer and since I'm not allowed to bookmark anything, I'll save the links here for future references. Feel free to visit the links too.

Warning: All Reborn! fans are required to be fully equipped with tissues to mop up nosebleeds and drooling. You have been warned.

[Reborn! Cosplay Ring]
- Wonderful Gokudera! Despite the 8059 layout, this site focuses more on 5927..
- Uber cute Tsuna~! There are some sweet 5927 moments as well.
- IMPRESSIVE WEBSITE, belonging to the famous legendary Hibari coser, Naito.
- There's never enough of Tsuna! 5927 seems to be all in the rage..
- MY IDOL. *insert incoherent keyboard mashing* You were BORN for Gokudera. *hearts*

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7:12 PM

Mood: Shocked Shocked
Listening to: Some funky techno song from a 100&51 cosplay video

Wait, that didn't come out right. Lemme try again.


S-seventy eight d-dollars a-and f-f-fourteen ce-cents...

P-please, excuse me while I stare blankly at the monitor.


Oh yeah. Science practical is tomorrow. I should probably study.
As soon as I snap out of my shocked state, I swear.
Y-yamamoto might be in the same lab as me HOMIGOD. *frantic*

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6:38 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mood: Depressed Depressed
Listening to: Bust a Groove 2 OST - The Heat is On

Well, I didn't have school today so I slept in. Had the most WEIRDEST dream though. I dreamt that Ms Rashidah asked me how I was doing for the current exams while I was waiting for some friends by the e-fingerprint system.

... That nightmare dream scared me shitless. Pure realistic.

Made me realise the seriousness of the prelims though... A bit too late for that I suppose. *bitter laugh*


Just yesterday, one of the few horrifying things that could happen to any student happened to me: My calculator died at the start of the Maths exam.

I felt so terrified and helpless; I kept jabbing at the reset button in despair. At last, I made it through the paper without one. It was so dispiriting that I almost gave up on the paper but I forced myself to do it. It was a half-hearted attempt though.

As soon as the teacher collected the papers, I cried. There wasn't any dramatic wailing, banging of fists on tables or even uncontrollable sobbing; the tears just streamed down my cheeks quietly. I turned my head to look out of the class to avoid people looking (thank god for small favours like a window-seat).

Didn't even felt like going down for recess because I knew that the paper would be what everyone would be talking about. And if I seemed depressed and told you all to can the talk about the paper, you guys would just assume that I didn't manage to do the paper due to lack of knowledge, not a calculator (cruel but sorry, it's trufax). So I just stayed in class. Xi Ying came over and asked me what's wrong. I told her (I even managed to laugh through my tears) and you know what she did?

She hugged me and encouraged me to try harder next time.

And I realised that what I wanted most then was a friend by my side. To pat me or give me a comforting hug and tell me that it's okay even when it's not. I know it's unreasonable of me - specially since everyone else was worrying about how they did for their own papers - but I couldn't help it. I needed someone then. Anyone.

I know that I act strong and confident in front of everyone. It's very believable (or so I'd like to think) and I believe it as well because I want to. But an act is an act; the play can't go on forever. But if my act stops, it makes people uncomfortable so I keep it up.

I'm tired. Very tired.

So, thank you Xi Ying, for being there. And Mirul too for putting up with my out-of-the-blue sms rants. :D

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9:23 PM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mood: Frustrated Frustrated

Competition Entry (Attempt #1)

That day was not just any other day.

"Let's end this."

So it was okay to lie on that day right?

You looked at me, one eyebrow arched. You pulled your hair behind your ears as though it could help you hear better; I almost laughed at how cute the gesture was.

"Wha- What do you mean?" Your eyebrows were almost meeting as you frowned deeply at me. Ah, that look. Irritated, impatient, annoyed. That look passes by your face more so whenever you were with me.

I continued, though my eyes stray away to the left of your troubled face. "You never seem to be having fun when you're with me. You're always angry.

And I never heard you say 'I like you.'"

Your eyes widen. Shocked, perhaps, that I was even telling you all this. Yet, you remained silent for what I said was the truth; you were always this cold, distant person whenever it came to me. Even when I confessed to you, you just blushed and stormed off. The only indication that you accepted my proposal was that you stopped calling me all sorts of degrading nicknames (you stuck to 'idiot' instead). Part of your playing-hard-to-get, I know. I never said a thing and neither did you, so we kept up this charade; you, the ice queen of a girlfriend and me, the persevering boyfriend trying to melt your exterior amour.

I cleared my throat, breaking the awkward silence. "Although I do hear you say things like 'go die' and 'idiot'," I turned my back against you and forced a chuckle. It sounded unreal to my own ears.

I closed my eyes, "I'm sorry."

I have said my share. Time for me to end this.

"It's a lie! April Fool's!" I turned and grinned at the empty space that you had stood.

Stunned, I scanned the vicinity. Your back was growing smaller as you ran from me.

"H-hey!" My feet moved. Fast and faster. Soon, I was behind you. My hand reached out and grabbed onto yours.

You turned, surprised that I caught up. I stared, surprised that you were crying.

"You.. You're crying?" I began uncertainly, hands reaching out to touch your face. You did not turn away, did not snarl at me to keep out of your 'personal space'. You reacted like you never had. You let me touch you. The dampness I felt on my fingertips insisted this.

"I-I was just joking," I said weakly as you cried. You were so strong, never dependant on anyone. How was I to know you would break from something as innocent as a joke?

The whole walk back home, you kept crying. You held my hand and would not let go.

You would always beat me whenever I tried to lock fingers with you. Said it was 'embarrassing' and 'too lovey-dovey' but your words were betrayed by that tell-tale blush on your cheeks. I would always laugh it off and try again later, when you felt that you had your fair share of putting up a fight. I never could understand you girls and your thinking that if you were too easy, you were undesirable.

Your hands were warm in mine. It was the longest you had ever let me hold your hand.

You were still crying non-stop but I was happy.

When we reached your house, you were still crying. I was at a loss of what to do.

"S-say.." I opened and closed my mouth repeatedly, unsure of what I could possibly say to make it right. "We're here alre-"

"I like you."

I stared at her.

"I like you," she repeated, her voice but a barely audible whisper. Her eyes were scrunched up tightly, as though in excruciating pain.

It was still April Fool's day. Were you lying?

You brought your hands to your face and ran away from my frozen self. I stared at you as you dashed across the streets with your eyes closed. The blaring of the horn followed soon after.

My hand was still warm from yours. The blood on the granite was even warmer.

The phone rang insistently that night at your house.

“Is she- Will she be alright?” I whispered urgently into the receiver for the fourth time that night.

“Yes. Yes, yes,” your mother sobbed her mantra.

Was she lying?

My footsteps on the polished floor echoed throughout the room. I-



... I'll start on attempt #2 this weekend.

OT: New header pic~! :D

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12:02 AM

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mood: Bouncy Bouncy

What have I been spending my time on?

... That question is best left unanswered ahaha~!

Next up: Update on brother's wedding? And a new header pic~! ;)


Edit: DAMN! This was only a demo. D:
... Nevermind; I've tons of other games (or demos idk haha) to play. :D

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9:25 PM

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Mood: Quixotic Quixotic
Listening to: Skillet - The Older I Get

Why am I reading sappy (but VERY well-written) romance stories while I have an uber major exam in less than 12 hours?

... God knows.

Excerpt from the story:

"I had a great time tonight. Thank you for humouring me."

Her eyes widen and she raised a hand to her chest, rubbing her Heart through her shirt. This sounds a lot like the end of a date. She is pretty sure what they just did was merely hang out. She's not entirely sure what hanging out entails -- she's almost positive it doesn't normally include such easy banter, especially when said banter is perhaps better described as "flirting"-- but she's pretty sure it's a lot like what they just did. Which was not, in any shape size or form, a date.

He smiles and puts his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. "I'll see you on Thursday then. Just so you know, I'm going to wait to ask for your number there, but you can have mine now. In case something comes up between now and then." His right hand slips deftly from his pocket and into hers, depositing a small piece of paper before leaving. "Thanks again," he leans in and brushes his lips across her cheek, "really." Smiling slyly, both hands placed safely back into his own pockets, he turns sharply on his heel and slips back into the taxi.

She watches the cab as it turns the corner, completely overwhelmed. Oh crap, she thinks in a moment of weakness. I am completely screwed.


Uhm. What does it mean when a guy jokingly tells you you're pretty?
I swear it's that story's fault - similarly to the main character, I read too much into little gestures. I only hope that I would have a happy ending like him as well. <3


12:21 AM

Friday, August 01, 2008

Mood: Nervous Nervous
Listening to: Vertical Horizon - I'm Still Here

Ze keyboard. It has miraculously cured. <3

Anyways, nervous? Why nervous? Let me explain.

I'm nervous about facing William again coz:
1) I borrowed his worksheet to photocopy but not only did I not photocopied it, I handed it in late to the teacher.
2) I wasn't present for Chemistry class yesterday and I think he - and the teacher as well - might be pissy coz they might think that I skipped school coz I didn't wanna be tested. But I was seriously sick~! *whines*

Okay... Musn't complain anymore... *inhales*

Uhm. Well, I just got back from religious class. Aaaand, I kinda fell asleep again. *embarrassed* I had a little nap during break time and the next thing I knew, I look up to see the class two pages ahead of what were we previously studying.

The girl next to me was giggling as I scrambled up to maintain whatever dignity I had left from sprawling on my table like a drunkard. It's a very hard feat to accomplish mind you.

Uh. Other than that piece of embarrassing news, my grandparents are living with us for the time being so pardon if I'm not online often. Wouldn't do to give the impression that me and the computer are joined at the hip, haha.


I bought my dream at $58. Yes, that's a very expensive dream.


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