Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mood: Bitchy Bitchy
Listening to: Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl

I went shopping with my family tonight (well, it's 2.32am now; 'last night' would be more accurate). Was initially happy that we're going out as a family since we don't get to do it often but I should have known better. Our family outings are nothing pretty; this one's no exception. Oda thinks I'm petty, Mommy thinks I'm temperamental. Nothing new, ho-hum.

I hate being thought of as childish and immature for the wrong reasons. I do know that I'm childish and immature though, so there.

...Ignore this rant. I'm probably pms-ing. On a more interesting note: I had a dream involving Yama and The Best Male Specimen this morning. Honestly, it's a 9.5 on the WTF-scale though it was kinda sweet. I suppose.

On a more serious note, I think I'm sick. My weight has been at a constant of 40kg for almost a month despite large meals. Hopefully this will change once fasting period is over. Meh.

I can't sleep. I'm off to do work.


Also: Updated sections in the sidebar (eg. archive, icon, bgm). How productive.

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2:18 AM

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mood: Relaxed Relaxed
Listening to: Ookiku Furikabutte 5 (More like watching than listening. XD)

Dear You - Shion Sonozaki
English Translation

I'm wondering where you are and what you are doing now.
Are you at the other side of this blue sky?

There used to be something filling my empty heart.
Now that I've lost it, I realised it was you.
How you had always been the one that was supporting me.
How you had always comfort me with your smile.

The price I must pay for what I've lost
Is much too big and impossible to bear.
I will do everything to recover it.
If only I can reach it with these hands of mine.

As if it were wind, it slips right through my hand.
It's as though I can catch it but never will.

Loneliness and despair has ruined my heart.
Slowly I feel my heart starts to fade.
The yearning memory of your smile
is all there is left to support me.

We have one more chance to start all over again.
I know that this time things will be sorted out.
Like you always did, stay by my side and smile at me.
Like always, just stay by my side.

I'm wondering where you are and what you are doing now
Are you at the other side of this blue sky?
Will you still smile at me like you always did?
Now, that is all that I can hope for.

Lyrics put up for my dear daughter. ^^
Might be putting the song up here... I'll think about it later~
*continues (re-)watching Oofuri*

Oh Kano-kun. You kill me so. ♥


3:13 PM

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mood: Bouncy Bouncy Literally, bouncing in my seat. XD
Listening to: Mihashi's March - USHA

Mihashi's March - USHA
English translation

I overslept this morning,
But anyways, I need to hurry up and GO!

There's no breakfast, there's no lunchbox;
Mama went to work today.

I can't afford to be late.
There is no mistake; this is HELL.

Well, I wanna use my mobile
To reach Momo-Kan.
But then I dropped it into a water puddle.

I have this important game today
What should I use as an excuse?
The wheel of the bicycle fell off.
Ouch, I hurt myself!

Anyways, I quickly ran to school.
There was no one at the field.

I tried to use a public phone to reach someone
But I couldn't remember a single phone number.

In the staff room, I hoped for anyone to know
Siga-sensei's phone number.

"The game has changed place to the matching school.
They didn't contact you?"

My mobile is broken.
I'm so shocked that I'm frozen.
I couldn't hear what the teacher said anymore.
Well, I have no choice but to go.

Finally, I reached the matching school.
As expected, there was no one at the field.

I searched all over the place for my teammates
But there was no sign of them.

I'm so prepare to be screwed;
I went to Abe-kun's home.

At Abe-kun's home,
I explained what happened.

"The match has changed to NEXT WEEK."

Why ON EARTH did I went though all this?
I feel like digging a hole and burying myself RIGHT NOW.
Abe-kun is so extremely super, uber, duper, MAD.

I've learnt my lesson...

I'll eat breakfast properly.....

IT'S OVER!!!!!


Totally. Awesome. Song.
Oh Mihashi. ILU.


This whole week has been a week of epic sayings. In order of occurance:

When: Interchange period in school
Who: Two boys
Where: Third floor staircase
What: "No matter what, I still think that... Mine. Is better. Than his." - Random boy to his friend in a SRS BSNS!tone.

My thoughts: Your WHAT? YOUR WHAAAT? Omigoddirtythoughtsbegone. D:

When: Interchange period in school
Who: A group of boys
Where: Outside the Science labs
What: "And then... the SILICON DROPPED!"
*horrified gasps* "SURE OR NOT!" "HOW CAN!"
- Random boy to his group of friends.

My thoughts: Si-silicon... Are they talking a-about... b-b-breastimplantsomigodwhat!!!! DDDX

When: Mothertongue period
Where: ML1
What: "DAMN. 2 marks gone all because of a 'kan'.
"A cunt- WHAT?"
- Sarah to me.

My thoughts: OmigodwhysovulgarSaraaaaah. DDD:

When: After school
Who: Shangbel (OF ALL PEOPLE?)
Where: Outside the school gate
What: "Woah. The hole is so small but the bird-"
Shangbel to me, upon seeing seeing a crow slipped into the school through a hole in the fence.

My thoughts: .... *mindbreak*


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8:36 AM

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mood: Quixotic Quixotic
Listening to: Medaka Ga Miti Niji - Kozue Takada

Medaka Ga Miti Niji - Ookiku Furikabutte ED
English translation

I wonder what I should do
to be happy.
I wanted to change the suffering present
but the answer wouldn't come,
and I had nowhere to go,
so I looked up at the blue sky.
I like myself
and I hate myself.
Just gonna step forward;
I can change myself.
I clench my fist tightly
and - like this - I move forward
and become just a bit better.
That small happiness will come one day,
so I can laugh now, right?
I am neither strong nor kind,
and even as my feet continue to shake
I will believe, a little,
that a rainbow will be painted in the sky.

Lovely. This song. Incredibly moving. Q__Q

That aside, I had the most loveliest of mornings today~ *hearts*

I was on my way to school when it started drizzling. Me being the lazy bum that I am, walked in the rain. My umbrella was buried deep within my bag and there was a cut in it too (why do I even continue to keep it?); taking it out was a bit meaningless. Besides, stopping and rummaging through my bag will get me and (more importantly) my ds wet so I just endured the light shower. I was waiting for a road to clear for me to cross when all of a sudden, this bpian guy behind me offered to share his umbrella.

That's right.


Of course, I accepted. We made little small talk; I found out he was from 3M1. I'm two years older and he's taller. DAMN. All you juniors make me feel short. D: (Sarah was wtf-ing at me knowing his class but not his name. Excuse me dear, I don't go around memorising people's nametags. XD) Overall, he seemed like a pretty nice guy. I'm kinda smitten. SHH.

Haha, I like my mood theme. XD

Edit: New header image~! :D It's Koizora~! Yes, I cried at this movie too. Stfu plox.

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10:09 PM

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Mood: Nerdy Nerdy
Listening to: Dramatic - Base Ball Bear (When will I get sick of this song, I wonder?)

*rushes away*

*comes back*

(Done in 2-3 hours between some serious revision)

I just realised it's his birthday! Oh gee! I feel all happy now. :D No wonder I could do 2 hours of Maths without contemplating suicide; the spirit of dera-chan is with me~! XD

I'll go celebrate by making more dynamite for EOY. *hyped up*

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8:10 AM

Monday, September 08, 2008

Mood: Rushed Rushed. Overwhelmed. Busy. Auuugh.
(Still) Listening to: Dramatic - Base Ball Bear

Haha, I'm so stressed. (:

List of things to be done:
- HMT (Compo/PaperII/Compre)
- Biology (Set worksheet)
- Mathematics (North Vista PaperII)

Someone, just kill me already. D:


Found this (really blurry, haha) picture of me and guenyik at last year's EOY.
... Initially, I was filled with this warm fuzzy feeling when looking at this photo.
Now, I just feel like headesk-ing myself thinking about the progress of this year's EOY.

Obligatory pic spam of my new Reborn merchandise.

I couldn't believe the price. It's cheaper than the other doujins I got. o_o
*dies thinking of the 8059BOX*
Doujins are like pringles; once you pop, you just can't stop! XD


Me being retarded at the zoo, haha.
Picture taken last year. Last year retarded, this year STILL retarded. XD

Oda joins me in my "retardation", lol. :P


Edit: This post holds the record for the longest tag list ever. XD

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10:12 PM

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Mood: Dorky Dorky
Listening to: Dramatic - Base Ball Bear

Ooooooooofuuuuuuriiiiiiii~~~!!!! *insert massive amounts of hearts here*

Ookiku furikabutte (The Big Windup)

Ookiku Furikabutte OP

e series, set in Saitama, follows the story of Ren Mihashi. Mihashi was the previous ace pitcher in his middle school's baseball team, but it seems that he only got the position because of favouritism as his grandfather was the owner of the school. His teammates (especially the team's catcher) hated him, and they always lost their games. Mihashi is thoroughly convinced that he is a lousy baseball pitcher and he graduates to high school with extremely low self-esteem. He then transfers to Nishiura high school with plans of quitting baseball, because he does not believe he is good enough to succeed at baseball. However, he is dragged into Nishiura's baseball team by their coach. Assisted by his new teammates (and especially the catcher, Takaya Abe), he grows in stature, confidence and skill, helping his team excel with his own abilities.

I've spammed 4 episode in one night. Now, I'm usually not a fan of sport animes but this gem right here totally stole my heart. The art is something different from what I usually watch but it gets endearing after a while. What touched me the most was the interaction between the characters. I could really feel for Mihashi; how hurtful it is to be hated for loving something so much. So no prizes for those who guessed he's my fave character.

And Tajima too, coz he's just so hyper and cute, haha.

Oh, and haha! Like I was telling Mirul and Shangbel, I had the heart attack of the century today! Totally trufax; not exaggerating.

We were breaking fast and I happened to glance at this giant bookshelf my mom found and dragged back home. It was then that I started to have fits. Actually, I was just making weird strangled noises.


And my mom went all, "Isn't this a nice bookshelf! You can put your comics here!" :DDDDD

I went all ---> !!! (O____O;;)||| ---> ((((\(@_____@;;;)/)))

I had to make up some excuse that the books were really expensive (hey, not really a lie; the 8059BOX cost a BOMB D: ) and I rushed them into my room to be hidden someplace safer and more private. Now my whole family thinks I'm some crazy cheapo. With the exception of Lenin who knows the truth; damn guy was sniggering throughout the entire ordeal. D:

Being a fangirl is hard work yo. D:

Oh oh, does anybody need colored contact lenses? Drop me a tag or msg me on msn! I have a lobang for affordable, nice lenses! :D

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9:29 PM

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Mood: Silly Silly
Listening to: Kaizers 115. Drøm - Kaizers Orchestra

What's inside my pencil case:

- 35 cents
- 4 (non-working) black PILOT pens
- 4 bobby pins
- 1 needle
- a piece of string
- 1 black hair clip
- 1 broken blue pen
- 2 erasers
- 1 frog handphone accessory
- 1 rubber band
- 1 green pen
- 2 2B wooden pencils
- 1 dark blue pen
- 1 correction tape
- a pair of scissors
- 2 highlighters
- 1 FOX sweet wrapper

Approx time wasted compiling this list: 4 mins

... I should really restock my pencil case. That, and stop doing meaningless things such as this just to delay finishing my homework.


Obligatory picspam of my baby 8059BOX:

I spent a whole 5 minutes fangirling BEFORE I opened the package. XD

4D NO! XD It was wrapped carefully in bubble-wrap.
It was like unwrapping a birthday present. So full of anticipation, kufufufu.

LOOK AT THE THICKNESS. Thickest doujin I've ever owned! O__O
I know I only got 3 doujins, stfu pl0x.

Yes, that's my hand. I dare you to find a skinnier hand than that. XD

I feel happy that I can start to recognise artists by their art! ^^
Matreshka makes me happy. Nalis too. Tee hee.

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11:15 PM

Mood: Nostalgic Nostalgic
Listening to: Haru Haru - Big Bang

Em gee! I found our sec1 pictures while clearing the comp, haha.
I'd like to share the nice memories. :D

WARNING: IMAGE HEAVY POST. Brain damage from crack pictures.

A normal day at class 102...

...with the normally wacky students, haha.

Flying hiiiigh~~~ On drugs. Teehee. Who's that in the bg? XDDD

Ezzati is camera-shy...

... while these two are not.

And so am I! Oh god, my hair was fugly.

Bored of camwhoring taking artistic pictures,
the students rebel against their captivity and yearn to go to the outside world.

Macam real.

Finally they were free~! (Read: Excursion)

Us being crazy. So crazy that we couldn't take the picture properly. XDDD

Morning stretching exercises.

Az, giving a model pose, while fellow photographers tried to capture the moment.

Bpian Next Top Model. Posing for Covergirl. XDDD

Advertising Sprite and Nike. XD

One more picture! One more! Please??

Sadly, there's no more. *emos*

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! XD

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10:47 AM

Monday, September 01, 2008

Mood: Productive Productive
Listening to: Cute Is What We Aim For - Marriage to Millions

Well, the famiglia has went to McDonald's for a study session. Would love to join them but it's best if I stay away from food outlets during this one month - people would stare. XD

So uhm. New header image~! Since I sorta realised my blog was crammed with Yamamoto... Haha... ^^;

Rant on Praises

So I was actually doing my HMT homework and there was this passage. I'll loosely translate it for you guys:

If you're honest, you would admit how enjoyable it is to be praised. Most of us would be flooded with a sense of assurance when someone says that we are pretty, clever, capable and many more.

This. It's trufax.

And now looking back at praises; most of the praises given are either given because we're visually appealing, intellectually able, and physically apt. What ever happened to praises on other little things that most people dismiss so easily - such as gestures of kindness?

And -




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