Big Mama


Alias: Kisa, Hera, Hyena, Mommy, Kiani, etc
Age: 8 internet years

FOND: Cosplaying, Drawing, Music
DETEST: Pain (Physical/Emotional), Making decisions, ... wankers?

MAIL ME! | Friendster Not yet available.


Kiani is a closet pedo who is married to a a whiskey addict. With this dysfunctional relationship comes dysfunctional children - an evil, adopted daughter, who frequently goes on hormonal rampage and whose aftermath is taken care of by Maria the housemaid, and a gender-confused child who thinks she's a she but not 100% sure she's really a she. And they all live together in a twisted reality.

Oh joy.

L33t speak

Criminal Record

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010
November 2010


IWTV moodtheme by aom_leiconz@livejournal

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mood: Sad Sad
Listening to: Dramatic - Base Ball Bear

Edit: TL;DR. Also, insecure rants.

Oh my god. ...Wait. Let me try that again.
Oh. My. God.

I just had to go around snooping for manga spoilers for Oofuri (I was impatient D: ) and I stumbled upon raws for one of the chapters. Though it was posted February this year, it still was new news (pun lol what) for me.

*SPOILER FOR OOFURI MANGA. But since I bet since no one who visits here really cares..

To cut a long story short, Nishiura lost the match against Bijou (by a huge margin too). And the crying faces, oh god. I felt so bad looking at Nishihiro - his face when they helped him off the field = D':. Mihashi was the last straw though; I started to cry when he cried.

I've been told I'm pretty emotional (I ought to do something about it) and this really just proves it. I'm sure some of you are like "OH MAN, IT'S JUST A COMIC WHY ARE YOU CRYING." but it's not just a comic (to me anyways). I tend to feel what the characters feel and this just made me a crying wreck. Imagine this: you've worked so hard, and your efforts now amount to nothing. Imagine the people whom you've let down. Imagine the broken ambitions and dreams. All of that bundled together and heaped onto your shoulders. Oh god, if that isn't sad, I don't know what is.

Hannah asked me this a few days ago: "Is there anything you are afraid of?". I couldn't really think of anything but I think I can now. The aftermath of failure. Not so much failing; I can speak from experience. But it's what comes after failing. That is truly scary. It's logical to be all "I'LL TRY HARDER NEXT TIME TO AVOID MORE FAILURES." but face it, how many of us actually feel that way? It's more likely that we'll be depressed and dejected. Standing back up takes a lot of effort and bravery.

Coming from me, it's kinda funny since I'm usually "Oh woah. I failed (again). Haha, I'll just try harder next time (again)." But I'm starting to rethink about everything. O Levels specifically. When the stakes are higher, you just can't afford to be that easygoing. I know that if I fail now, I'll be crushed. Part of my brain is already forming a backup plan; it's thinking "I'll just find a job and retake the O Levels should I fail.". But I don't want it to come to that. I'm scared really.

Oh man, I only mean to share the scans and now I'm being all "BAAAAW RAAAANT." on my blog. So sorry for the angst. I'm going to repent by continuing my Maths. Thank god I usually write in pencil so there's no smudged ink stains.

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2:46 PM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mood: Cheerful Cheerful
Listening to: Top Of The Morning - Sunset Swish

Hey guys! Look look!

Oxidation -> gain of oxygen / loss of hydrogen
-> loss of electrons

Reduction -> loss of oxygen / gain of hydrogen
-> gain of electrons

Haz's (whacky) remembering method~!

When a relationship is over, you gain a feeling of 'over-ness' and experience a loss of happiness! You'll also experience a loss of energy to do anything!

When you're reunited with a loved one though, you lose that feeling of 'over-ness' and have a gain of happiness! You'll also gain energy to do anything the world throws at you!

... I love studying now! :D

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10:28 AM

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Mood: Naughty
Listening to: Nageki no Mori - Ayane


La famiglia. One of our more "normal" photos. XD

I'm not in here because I was the shutter-crazy photog. XD

: Prepare for unglam-ness? And crack? Also, foodplay. *bricked*


...Insanity at it's best. ;D

Unfortunately, insanity was not welcomed. D:

Everyone tried to kill me. DDD:

But after much BOLLYWOOD-STYLE persuasion from MAI HANI...

... ties were restored~! *PEACE* ^^v

HEART~! Who's that in the bushes....?


After much crack at school, we trooped into Lot 1's Pizza Hut~! :D


Sarah: IYAA~ DAME~!!

Well, our family mealtimes wouldn't be completed with crazy mealtime activity so we had a game of TRUTH OR DARE~! But then everyone started being a pussy choosing truth so I had to make a rule - the next turn after three consecutive truths MUST be a dare! This rule, however, came back to bite me in the butt. D:

I got dared to do something rather... unspeakable. However, it was really very embarrassing and it sort of unleashed my dark side. Everyone involved in making me do that dare had to carry out a specific dare given by yours truly. ;D

Hazel: Drink a glass of coke with pepper, paprika, cheese and pineapple bits in one gulp.

Yeah, you can tell it was foul from her expression. XD

Shang: Eat the remains of Hazel's drink.

Mmmm~ ;D

As sarah was the mastermind, she was given the most FOUL dare~ Nyehehe.... |D

Sarah: Swallow a spoonful of a layer of pepper, paprika, cheese, and another layer of pepper topped with two olives.

She started choking and coughing real bad. I would have felt pity, but I was being evil then. :P I'll spare her the embarrassment by not uploading a picture of her face twisted in agony. Aren't I nice? *smile*

There were more pictures but I'll spare you guys the loading time, haha. With this last picture, I bid you adieu~!

End~! :D

Edit: This may very well be the last post until O Levels are over. SAVOR IT. D:

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7:25 PM

Monday, October 06, 2008

Mood: Melancholy Melancholy
Listening to: Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benatar

Well. Today was a fun day.
Camwhoring, randomness at Pizza Hut, crack.
It was all very fun until we parted ways.

And on my way home, I realised something.
This is it.
I've graduated. I'm no longer a Sec 4 Bpian. (Well, I still am actually; you get my drift?)
There won't be any more going to our corner outside the slums boys toilet and talking random.
There won't be any crazy trips after school to Liang Court.
There won't be any random baseball practice at the back of class.
There won't be any more walks home from school together.

Oh god. I feel sad now.

Well, I guess what I wanna say is:

I love you guys. Thank you for all the fun times I had in BP. It's rather long, but I would like to dedicate this to you guys. It's lyrics to a song entitled "Thank You" and I believe nothing can convey my feelings better than this.

Thank You - Home Made Kazoku

To the people who have always supported me,
I've put you in my rhapsody of everyday thoughts.
I hope my feelings of appreciations will reach you.
Thank you as always. Really, thank you.
No matter where you are, I'll always be thankful you exist.

An uncertain future is scary, and then you faced me.
And without saying anything you softly took my hand.
My sadness was halved and my pleasure doubled.
My life was turned around instantly.
And you swore to run to my side.

Far away far away,
Even if we're widely separated in the flow of time,
The memories of the days we spent together
Will never ever fade away.
Friends, and family, and lovers, and all the people we met:
"Thank You!!"
It's thanks to everyone
That from tomorrow on we can advance strongly again.

No one is living alone.
We always take mutual care of each other.
And when we can't see eye to eye, we talk things over.
We want to laugh so much until our stomachs hurt.
But then, why do we speak ill of these times
When we have no intention to harm one another?
I love you so much it's absurd.
It's a little embarrassing, but I mean...

To the people who have always supported me,
I've put you in my rhapsody of everyday thoughts.
I hope my feelings of appreciations will reach you.
Thank you as always. Really, thank you.
No matter where you are, I'll always be thankful you exist.

When you turn around I WILL BE THERE.
JUST FOREVER, like we said.

To the people who have always supported me,
I've put you in my rhapsody of everyday thoughts.
I hope my feelings of appreciations will reach you.
Thank you as always. Really, thank you.
No matter where you are, I'll always be thankful you exist.

I love you all. (:


5:46 PM

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Mood: Weird Weird
Listening to: Last Cross - Hitman Reborn 5th Op

24 hours a day isn't that long a time. Seriously. You spend 8 hours sleeping so that's 1/4 of the time gone. And then there's eating (3 meals a day? exclusive of snacking) which would deduct at least 2 hours. Then there's lazing about time (DON'T DENY IT SLACKERS.) which would occupy say, 2 hours a day too? And don't get me started on the internet - once you're hooked, say goodbye to at least 3 hours. So you're left with 9 hours.

With less than half a day left everyday, you can really afford to waste that precious "you-time", right? And this is why, ladies and gentlemen, I am against pissing.

That's right, pissing. Aka answering the call of nature, going for a tinkle, relieving yourself, yadda yadda.

Trips to the toilet results in unnecessary time wastage! You spend 5 minutes (or more) relieving yourself, and then some more time washing your hands (please say you do) and then you end up checking how you look in the mirror, which leads to you redoing your hair or whatnot and when you realise it, 20 minutes (or more) has passed.

And say this ritual takes place 5 times a day. That's almost TWO WHOLE HOURS wasted!

So mom, please don't ask me why I have infrequent toilet trips.

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9:45 AM

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Mood: Good Good
Listening to: Love & Joy - Yuki Kimura

Here's wishing you all:

Selamat Hari Raya~!! :D

Shaky hand was shaky. How do you all make camwhoring look so easy? D:

Hari Raya this year started off the same like every other year. Though, not really coz (1) there was this mourning ceromony at my void deck and boy, it was LOUD (2) Stalin wasn't here to celebrate it with us. I kinda feel a bit sad at (2) but then I realised that he doesn't really treat me as his sister anymore so that got rid of any nostalgic feeling left.

That just made me sound totally heartless. D:

So after asking forgiveness from our parents (I washed my make up away with my tears. I hate my emotional side sometimes.), we head off to our relatives' houses. Went to a total of 3 houses~

...I haven't counted the money I've gotten yet. XD;

We came home earlier this year compared with the others coz one of my uncle wasn't at home so we had to skip the usual visit to his house. When we got back, I.. uh... camwhored with my mom?

We were being COO~UHL weird; don't mind. XD

So yeah, wish you all had a great holiday~! Back to school tomorrow~! :D

Farewell, genmitsu ni~! (^◇^)ノ)

PS. That contact lens post has been dated "2009" so that it remains at the top of my blog. Hope you all don't mind! XD;

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